After the Hunt

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I walked into my apartment. As I shut the door I realized there was something off, but I brushed the thought aside. I was tried; all I wanted to do was sleep. Yes, vampires need sleep, yet another lie out in the world. It was actually amazing how many lies there were. I sank down onto my couch, and observed my apartment, it wasn’t terribly small but it was now where near huge. It had 2 bedrooms, a bath, and a fair sized kitchen that connected to the living room. The room felt off, like there was something there, again I ignored it and walked to my bedroom.

I sprinted and jumped onto the bed. As soon as I got comfortable and closed my eyes, I was pulled in to a wild rush of dreams.

I sat up in bed. I looked at my clock, it was 1:30. I sighed. Why couldn’t I ever sleep through the entire day? I swung my legs over the bed and hopped up. I stretched as I walked into the kitchen. I don’t really know why I need a kitchen because all I can have is drinks and that’s towards the end of the month when I need more energy.

I opened the fridge anyways and pulled out the water jug. As I poured a glass I heard something shift in the living room. I turned on my heels and let my fangs come out. I relaxed as I saw who it was. His short cropped black hair, and light grey eyes, made me smile.

“Colin! Don’t do that! You always have to be such a creeper.” I smiled.

“Oh, Alexia. You know you love it.” He smiled plopping down on the couch.

“No I don’t! You have to stop doing that! It freaks me out.”

I sat down next to him and turned towards him. He frowned as he saw the drink.

“What? If you can let yourself in you can go get your own drink.” I told him taking a drink.

“Why can’t you just give that to me?” he asked reaching for it, “Plus you don’t need it you just took it because you could.”

He was right I had just taken it because I could, I didn’t want nor need it.

“Fine.” I splashed it on him and ran. Well at least I tried to run, but he was faster and caught the back of my shirt. He threw me onto the ground hard, if I wasn’t me it might have broken my back, before I could jump up he was on top of me holding me down. Colin was now drenched from the cup of water.

“Say you’re sorry! That was so uncalled for.” He said, he looked as if he was trying to be angry but couldn’t, finally his smile came through.

In this moment of happiness I pushed up and he flipped backwards.

“AAAAHHHH,” thud, “Ooowww… what was that?” I shrugged. “You do remember I’m not a vampire I can still get hurt and that hurt!” He shouted sitting up, and rubbing his head. I had completely forgotten that he was a werewolf and that they can still feel simple pains like that. I guess I have been a vampire so long, I forgot. Vampire can still get cut and stuff it’s just we don’t usually feel it, because we heal so fast. It’s weird, werewolves can match vampires in all the other things, all except healing, they heal fast just not as fast and they still feel the pain. Colin and I have been friends since before either of us had been turned. What was so weird is we were both turned at the same time.

Colin stood up. He looked as if he were still in pain, I felt kinda bad. But, he had attacked me first so he deserved it. That’s what sucked, he could completely rough with me and toss me 100 feet, but I couldn’t do that to him (I mean I could if I wanted to, easily).

“I’m sorry.” I told him walking up to him, “I guess I don’t know my own strength.”

“Yea, you don’t say,” he rolled his shoulder.

“Well I did say.” I smiled.

He rolled his eyes at me. I sat down on the couch. Colin sat next to me.

“You know I’m ok. I’m going to be fine.” He told me looking at me curiously.

“I know.” I sighed. For some reason I was just not feeling like myself. I didn’t feel right, it was if something was off. I leaned back on the couch. I looked at the window, I fell into thought, it was weird but I kept thinking about that girl. How I was just going to leave her. Why would I do that? I mean, how awful would it be to wake up and then be killed on the spot? I thought about the night I had been changed. The guy had helped me get on my feet after he turned me. I realized very quickly that if he had left me I would have died. It’s so strange I can’t remember a lot of things, but there is one thing I remember so well, the night I was turned.

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