chapter - 1

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MY NAME IS RAJ SHEKAR. I was born on Dec 1st, 1997. In my life I had good and bad experiences, but a fantastic life overall. These experiences help me to be happy, and I learn from them every day of my life.

I started kindergarten when I was 2 years old and I finished it at 5 years old. In the kindergarten, I had very good times. There I made my first good friends in all my life, and I remember them for the games that we played together. Later, I started elementary school when I was 5 years old. I remember my school

very well, because at first I was so scared to go school. They were bigger than I was. However, I made friends there and I liked to study, do my homework, play with my friends, and talk with them about cartoons on television. In fact, I really enjoyed that time in my childhood. I finished elementary school when I was 11 years old. I was ready to go to junior high school to learn new things and make new friends in Gujarat.

After elementary school, I went to junior high school in Mumbai It was bigger and had more students than elementary school. There I had more teachers than I had before. My new friends were very friendly. When I was studying in junior high school. particularly, I liked most football and cricket activities, because I could spend more time with my friends. I really like to remember those moments from junior high because I still have friends from my junior high school days. In other words, we are very good friends. I remember these happy moments with them and we laugh about it.

my favourite classes were English and social. On the other hand, I didn't like math. As a result of that, I had to study that more by going tuition to get good grades. Otherwise, I was not going to have vacations or enjoy future vacations. I could reach my goal by studying hard and not going out with my friends too much. At that moment I met her in tuition it was an unforgettable moment like magic or a spark like in heart.

I didn't expect to find my love when I was 16 and I didn't expect that the with who I at first meeting in tuition we started to tease each other would be my love as  I was 16 after all but was the last thing on my mind was to say my love. In fact, but one thing was in mind that anyone can love who has heart but important thing is that he should also be loved by other side also is the real success in love.

She simply entered into my life without even a hint of upset.  She was there to me to whom I can leave my whole life she was reason for my life. I wanted to talk to her. In the mornings and nights in one word every second.I used to choose walk long road to go to my school bus because on that way I could see her house. I used to see at her home sometimes I find her combing her hair in balcony. I used to smile inside how beautiful she is looking. if I couldn't she her I felt upset that I wouldn't see her for the whole day.

It often felt like I known her forever and I found myself looking forward to seeing to talk with her, something that was so unusual for me. That type of  behavior was never seen in other persons and voice which is pleasant and her smile fill heart with happiness and makes to do anything to just bring a smile on face of her.

In front of her I didn't wanted to be hero I was me, in all my opinionated, strange way. I could laugh without being scared to do so and more importantly, I could just bend down my Ness  and actually explain the reason why I did if I make mistakes.

It was a wonderful experience for me, and I cherished the friendship that I had in such a short time. But it was just a friendship, I had told myself. I mean, I asked myself was that friendship or something else.

As summer quickly shifted into fall, I realized that I had feelings building for her. I didn't talk about them, we talked about everything else but what was happening. The days became crisp and the leaves began to change, a vivid color display amidst the evergreens. And then one day, in school bus she sat beside me I looked up at her I couldn't talk to her but in heart my happiness was touching sky. Then suddenly she said let's play thumb fight she herself took my hand when she slipped his fingers between mine and I had a different and strange feeling that I got found that she is the person I love and searching for.

I was 16 that time, how could I know what true love was? May be some what it was love.I was 16 but I knew without a doubt that she was the right person for me. I wanted to say her but I was too confused, too immature, had too many problems because I thought if she rejects then I would lose my love but as well as my friendship with her.

She looked at me, and made fun of me in school bus that I had date with a girl. I was feeling nothing but I acted like I am angry. How can I be angry her voice was so sweet I could just keep on hearing whatever she says and keep on looking in her innocent beautiful eyes. at last she said your life partner would be lucky to have u. So that I can feel good but she touched my heart. Every day was full of excitement for me to talk her.

I didn't know what to say, what to do in front of her. For the first meeting of her we used to tease each other but after sometime she started to called me by name (raj) I was so happy. She used to make me write her incomplete notebook I felt so happy but how can i say her in front of my friends that I will write it for you. So I acted little bit but at last I agree it how can I say NO to her after hearing please word from her. Whenever she asks for I do but the persons who see me helping her they also ask for help too but if I say no to them they will be misunderstand me so I helped all. I was weak but I can do anything for friendship and it became my strength I don't wanted any enemies anyway.

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