2) Java Jones

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Hey guys!! Sorry I didn't do an introduction on the first chapter but I was just really excited to share it with you. So basically this story is about Alec, Jace, Isabelle and many other familiar character names concerning the Cassandra Clare series of The Mortal Instruments. In this story, all characters are mundane although you might here some snippets of phrases of angels, vampire etc but that's just for fun.
Unfortunately in this story the Lightwoods have lost their parents and Max in a car crash two years ago and are struggling to make ends meet as they live in a small apartment in NYC. During this story we will encounter love interests, family issues, fabulous characters and mysteries unsolved.
Be warned that there will be slight spoilers if you have not read the book. Mostly about bloodlines and who are brother and sister :)
So without further adoo... Here is chapter 2, my angels!

"Okayyy, so I've got three lemon meringue margarita's. One with no mint, more lemon. Another with only 2 ice cubes not 3. And the last we have extra alcohol..." A soft sigh escaped from Izzy's parted lips as she lay the drinks down to an awfully pretentious group of young ladies, seated around a small wooden table in the corner of the bar. Wet and sticky ringlets of past drinks already fading into the table, mostly hidden from the flimsy coasters often advertising certain drinks and snacks of the bar.

A long streak of black silky hair from Izzy's loose ponytail wavered across her eyes before swiftly tucking it behind her ear. Her red-painted fingernails chipped at the edges almost distracting anyone from the appearance of a beautiful metal ring fitted tightly around her ring-finger. A pattern of vibrant flames surrounding the letter L for Lightwood. An heirloom. Handed down from generations of her Lightwood ancestors. Although Isabelle knew nothing of the importance that her family resembled.

Flattening out her crumpled waitress uniform she spoke, her notepad and pen already in her hands, as if it had appeared from thin air.
"Can I get you anything else ladies? We have-"

"What the hell is this?" the voice of a squeaky blonde echoed from one of the women seated before her who had already taken a sample of her drink.

"Excuse me?" Izzy questioned, her face shocked as her body leaned in closer to the woman. As if she never heard what she had said.

"The drink that I ordered. I asked for no mint more lemon!"

"Yes?" Izzy said, looking to the women's drink in sight of anything wrong with it.

The woman complaining wore a black leather jacket on top of a very open grey top.
Not leaving much to the imagination
Her streaky blonde hair was straightened down from her head casting a faint colour to her outfit as she wore black skinny fit trousers. Her two other friends having the similar choice of clothing.

"Well if you were better at your job and had better eyesight-" the distasteful woman pointing towards the squared off black rimmed glasses that lay a top Izzy's buttoned nose. "Then you would see that there is in fact a mint leaf in my drink" the woman's long finger, that resembled to Izzy of the old hag's in Snow White, found the green leaf floating among the ice cold beverage.

"I- uh- I'm so-" Izzy stuttered, pushing her 'dorky' glasses up to the bridge of her nose.

"I-uh, I-uh" she mimicked, pulling ugly faces that didn't portray Izzy's face at all.

"I can- I will make sure that there is no mint if-"

"If nothing! God... We would get better service at McDonalds. Wouldn't we, Jess?" The blonde turned to her red headed friend, crossed arms and a layer of make-up plastered on her face.

"Hmhmm" the red head chorused

And as if they had rehearsed the scenario, they all pushed their drinks toward Izzy along the table, simultaneously.

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