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      I awkwardly walked out of Panera and back to Shawn and I's table.
      "Why are you walking like that?" Shawn laughed.
      "Uh, no reason just have sore legs from volleyball that's all." I lied.
      "No, that's not why. Tell me." He demanded.
      "Why should I tell you? We just met today." I said furrowing my eyebrows.
      "I feel like I've known you for a while. We've got a connection." He was right I completely forgot we had just met this morning, but I feel like I've known him for a lifetime.
       "I don't trust you yet." He rolled his eyes.
       "You can. Now come on." He begged. Maybe I should. You know when you meet someone and you feel so comfortable with them? That's how I felt around Shawn. I mean yeah i still get  butterflies from certain things he does. Like when he reaches across the table and his arms flex, or when he looks me in the eyes with concern.
        "Aunt Flow decided to visit." I mumbled looking down at my hands.
       "Aunt Flo- Ohhhhh!!" He said finally getting it.
       "Well what's wrong then?" He asked. I just looked at him with a "you know what's up" look.
       "No tampons?" He asked like he already knew the answer. I shook my head slowly.
       "Y-yeah." I said ashamed.
        "There's a pharmacy down the street, I can give you a ride."
       "It's fine I'll walk."
      "No, let me take you!"
       "Shawn I'm fine." I said standing up and starting down the sidewalk to the pharmacy. The sun's bright beam of light was gone . A shadow was in its way.
         "Shawn I told you-" I looked behind me to see that no one was there. Storm clouds were covering the sun. Great. Rain. Little beads of wetness poured all over me. I sped up my pace trying to get to the pharmacy in time before it got worse. Too late. Cold vicious air swirled around leaves were flying everywhere. The rain soon turned to hail. The tiny bullets of ice were stinging my bare arms, my flannel was around my waist. The pharmacy was still nowhere in sight. I shut my eyes because the pellets were stinging my face, because they were coming in at a diagonal angle. I wanted to protect my eyes.
       All of a sudden it stopped. Well for me. I could still hear it smashing to the concrete sidewalk. But it wasn't stinging me anymore. I look up to see a pair of strong arms holding up a jacket over my head. The strong arms belonged to Shawn.
        "Get in." He said. I said nothing further. I got in to his warm blue BMW. I buckled my seatbelt in place,
"Nasty weather,Eh?" He asked.
"Yeah. Thanks for picking me up."
"I didn't wanna see a pretty girl like you get hurt." He said, turning bright pink.
"You think I'm pretty?" I asked suddenly feeling insecure.
"Well yeah. Don't you?" He asked keeping his eyes on the road."
"No, not really." I said softly putting my head down. I've never really found myself to be beautiful. That's why I always cake on makeup everyday. To cover my many flaws. I always thought I was fat. And I never thought that any guy wanted me. Dustin told me this. I believed him.
"Jade your beautiful." Shawn said turning his attention towards me.
"We're here!" I said point to the pharmacy. Thank goodness we ended that awkward conversation.

Thanks for reading loves! Hope you enjoyed! Feel free to comment, vote and follow. I'll follow back❤️~

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