Chapter 1: The Heartbreaking News

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Three seconds was all it took until my head hit the floor. I clenched my stomach as I began screaming in pain. Thoughts ran through my head, something had gone wrong. This cannot be happening. I could barely breathe. It happened all too soon. I heard faint sounds of sirens in the distance and my parents at my side telling me to keep my eyes open and try to stay awake. My mom was red in the face full of tears as she squeezed my hand hoping I would live until the paramedics came. I barely remember anything that happened after I was put on a stretcher and hearing the sound of the paramedic doors closing. I closed my eyes praying that I would live.

-A week later-

I slowly opened my eyes to four white walls surrounding me. I looked down to see that I was hooked up to multiple IV's and had a striking pain in my head just at the thought of moving. The last thing I remember was being in my room then the next thing I know I am in a hospital. I don't even know what day it is, how long have I been out. I need answers.

I see my parents standing outside the door. My mom is crying hysterically as she listens to a doctor give the bad news. All can think about is what the bad news is. My dad peeks in the room to see me awake. My parents rush into the room, my dad sits at the very end of my bed and at my mom kneels by my side clutching my hand. "Mom, Dad, what's going on?" My mom can't even manage to open her mouth without more tears coming out. Seconds later the doctor walks in. I manage to prop myself up. He introduces himself and says he is Dr. Michael. He grabs a chair and sits down.

"Faith, you are in the Sloan-Kettering Center right now. You have been out in a coma for a week. You collapsed and hit your head and lost 30% of your blood."

I can't believe this. "Please tell me, what is wrong with me?"

"I'm sorry, Faith I have bad news."

Oh my god this can't be good, just the thought of my mom crying made the situation seem even worse.

"We ran some tests while you were in a coma and we found a rare discovery. You have been diagnosed with Stage 2 Leukemia. The cancer cells have been building up for the past few months it looks like. It is very rare to see what you have and unfortunately you only have less than a year to live. I am so sorry."

Tears ran down my face, I buried my face in my hands as I cried my heart out. This could not be happening. I was only 16 years old. This news came out of now where and shook my world. It was like a slap in the face.

"Mom this can't be happening! Please!"

"I am so sorry baby, we are as shocked and heartbroken as you are."

"Daddy I am sorry!"

"Come here, there is nothing to be sorry about, okay? You are here now and that is all that matters. We will get through this as a family."

I sat up from by bed as my parents reached to give me a big hug. Right now the warmth of their love is all I needed. I can't believe how fast your life can flash before your eyes.

I really hoped you enjoyed this first chapter of my story. I want you to know it isn't your average story, there will be big plots and I promise you, you will love it! Be sure to read some of my other writings as well. Love you guys! xx

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