Chapter 2: Coming Home

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This cannot be happening. There is no way I have cancer. How could it have been building up for the past few months and not have affected me in any way? I need to get out of here. My parents were sleeping on a chair in my hospital room. I quietly removed the covers off of me, put on my slippers, took my phone and walked out of the room. I wandered the hospital hallways. I checked my phone it read 3:30 am. No wonder it was so empty. I sat down against a wall and cried. About an hour later I decided to go back to my room and try to relax and get some sleep. I slipped back into my room, got under the covers and in about 10 seconds I was sound asleep.

The next morning, I realized it was Monday. The doctor had just came in to check on me.

"Good morning, Faith. How are you feeling?"

"You want to know how I feel?? I feel like the fate of my life has just been flashed before my eyes. How am I supposed to feel better when every day I am going to be reminded of the condition I am by just being here! I can't stay here and act like everything is going to be okay when I have only a year or so to live?!" Tears started rushing down my eyes again.

My mom and dad awoke after my sudden outburst. They tried to comfort me but it wasn't working.

"Mr. and Mrs. Daniels, may I speak to you privately for a moment?" He led my parents out of the room closing the door behind them.

"After hearing Faith's reaction, I would like to give you an option. I think being in this cancer center is going to affect her emotionally and physically. I would like to see her to interact with her friends and continue living her life although there may be some treatments that will affect her in the future. She will need her friends and family for support because some days she is going to feel like she is in the darkness. I will give you time to talk to her and please let me know and we will go from there."

"Okay. We will talk to her now," my parents said.

Seconds later, the door opened and my parents walked in.

"Honey the doctor just told us that he thinks it is best if we take you back home. We want to know what you think about this?"

I nodded my head. "I need to see my friends again, I can't be surrounded by these four white walls for another year. When is the soonest I can go home and go back to school?"

"We are going to talk to the doctor about that because he has to tell us some important information about upcoming treatments you may need. We want you to get some rest for now and hopefully by the morning we can take you back home."

"Okay, I love you guys."

-The next morning-

"Rise and shine, sweetie. You can go home today! Under a few circumstances."

"Of course, what is it?"

"According to doctor's orders you must come back once every week so they can run tests and make sure nothing spreads even more. He said you can continue doing your every day routine but you just have to be careful. If you feel any sudden pains again I want you to call us and we will have to take you back here for a checkup. Sound good?"

"Yes. I can do that.  I will go get my stuff and change."

I finally finished getting my stuff together and then walked out the door and not didn't look back, at least for now I hope.

About an hour later I got home I walked into the kitchen and saw a banner across the living room. It said, "Welcome Home." My best friends were there and had big smiles on their faces when I walked in the door. I dropped all of my stuff and ran to my friends for a big group hug. I missed them so much. My three best friends, Katie, Lauren and Jessica said respectively, "We are glad you are back home! We were so worried about you." "We didn't know when you were going to wake up." "We tried to visit you but they said you weren't allowed visitors other than family."

"It's okay, I am just happy I came home to see you guys. I missed you like crazy. You guys need to catch me up what happened while I was out? How much have I missed??"

Lauren said, "Well you haven't missed any guy drama that's for sure."

"Yeah, school has been kind of boring without you," said Jessica.

"I wrote down all of the work you missed in class. I know it may seem like a lot but we will all help you catch up in no time," said Katie.

"Thank you so much guys!"

They all smiled. Before I knew it, it was already 9:00. School tomorrow. I totally forgot about that. I walked them out and gave them a hug before they walked out the door.

I walked into my room and flipped the switch on, it was like nothing changed. I unpacked my bag from the hospital and picked out an outfit for tomorrow. My red knit cardigan, tight black t-shirt, light blue skinny jeans and my black boots. Perfect way to walk into school and hide the fact that nothing happened. Tomorrow should be fun...

I changed into a t-shirt and shorts, said goodnight to my parents then fell asleep. In less than 12 hours, it would be a new day and a new beginning.

Let me know what you think of the story so far, I am trying to make the chapters longer. Thanks xx :)

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