Chapter 3: Meeting Him

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Beep. Beep. Beep. I moaned at the sight of hearing my alarm clock. I am so tired but today is a new day and a new way to look at life. Correction, a new way to look at what is left of my life. I don't want to die, why can't I just stay young forever? I dragged myself out of bed and went to the bathroom to freshen up. I took out the straightener an plugged it in and started to do my hair. It felt gross not being able to brush out my hair when I was in the hospital. I made sure I was very careful near the roots of my hair where the doctor said was where I had the most trauma. Finally, perfectly straight hair. I ran down the stairs and luckily my mom made some chocolate chip pancakes for me, my favorite. I gobbled down the pancakes then went back upstairs to finish getting ready for school. I glanced at the clock. Shoot, I have 20 minutes before Katie picks me up. I brushed my teeth then put on my super cute outfit I picked out last night. I quickly did my makeup, took a selfie of myself then grabbed my bag. When I was halfway down the stairs I heard a honk. Right on time. "Bye Mom!" With that I was out the door.

"Hey Katie!"

"Good morning, Faith. Feeling any better?"

"Ehh. I still feel like crap but my outfit is putting me in a good mood."

"That's good!"

We finally arrived to school just in time. I checked my watch, it was 7:20. Twenty minutes till school starts. Lauren and Jessica rushed to me the second I got out of the car. I am not the type of girl who is popular and all but these three girls right here are my clique. We call ourselves the Infinities because nothing can break our friendship. We walked side by side to the doors of the school. Heads were turning and there were some whistles in the background. We were talking about where to meet for lunch when the early bell rang. I closed my locker then headed to first period English with Lauren.

"Okay class, take your seats. Faith will you come to my desk?"

I put down my stuff then walked to Mrs. Lane's desk.

"Hi sweetie, how are you feeling? You were out for a while."

"I am okay. How much have I missed?"

"Not a lot but I am sure you will make it up in no time. I will give you till next friday to make it all up."

"Thank you Mrs. Lane."

I headed back to my seat. On my way to my seat I caught a few pairs of eyes staring at me. Oh well. Before I knew it class was over. I grabbed my stuff, said bye too Lauren and plugged in my headphones. Music in, world out. Of course right when I was looking down I bumped into a really cute guy and then all my books flew out of my hand and onto the floor. Just great. I took out my headphones and started to pick up my books.

"Sorry, I didn't see you there. Here, let me help you with that," he said. He picked up the rest of my books that fell, got up then handed them to me with a smile on his face.

"I am Drake."


"That is a beautiful name, it fits a pretty girl like you."

I must be dreaming there is no way a guy like him would talk to me. I pinched myself to wake up from the dream. Ouch. Guess this is real.

"Yeah it is," Drake said.

"Did I say that out loud? Woops." I giggled.

"I like your laugh, hey what is your next class I can walk you to it if you would like?"

"Math with Mrs. Bowing."

"No way? Me too. I just got switched into this class this morning."

"Cool. Now I know one more person than before." He opened the door for me in the way in. Such a gentleman. I thanked him. I walked to my seat then started the warm up. He finished talking to the teacher then sat in the empty seat right next to me. This should be fun trying to concentrate.

"Hey beautiful." He winked after saying that and of course I blushed. Sooner than later the class period was over.

"Hey what's your number? Mind if I join you for lunch?" We exchanged numbers then he walked out of the class and to his next class.

I stopped to talk to Mrs. Bowing for a second.

"Good morning Faith. I got your email from your parents and I emailed you the work and assignments you missed."

"Okay, great thank you! See you tomorrow."

After sitting through three periods it was finally time for lunch. I ran out of my class and to my normal spot where I met my friends. A few minutes later they all saw me and smiled.

"Faith...I can tell by your face. Why are you so excited??" Lauren said.

"Spill the deats!" Jessica said.

"Right after 1st period I accidently bumped into this really cute guy and then he was in my 2nd period and asked me for my number and asked if he could sit with me at lunch!"

"OMG Faith, that's awesome! Of course he can, anyone is welcome!" Katie said.

My cellphone ringtone went off.

"Answer it!" They all said in unison.


"Hey its Drake. Where are you?"

"I am to the left of the doors when you walk in."

"Okay I see you thanks. Bye." Seconds later I looked up from my spot and saw him. He put his stuff down and politely greeted all of my friends.

"Hi I am Drake."

"Nice to meet you." They said in unison again.

I pointed out my friends, "This is Lauren, Jessica, and Katie. Girls this is Drake."

The rest of lunch was nice. Drake and I glanced at each other a few times. I tried not to stare but it was too hard to resist. He had light blue eyes and dirty blond hair. The type of guy every girl would dream of. The bell for lunch rang meaning it was time to get ready for the next class. My friends said goodbye to Drake and I. Drake thanked me for a letting him sit with me and my friends.

"I guess I will see you tomorrow then?" He smiled. It was so cute. When he smiled he bit his lip after, meaning he actually cared.

"Yeah, see you around." I turned around and headed to my next class. This definitely is beginning to feel like a great day after all. Nothing can stop me now.

Thoughts? Comments? Let me know if you like it or not, it is really appreciated!

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