23;Dont you dare

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Laurances POV

I run through the forest screaming Y/n's name.

After running around for at least an hour screaming at the top of my lungs, and I haven't found anything.

I fall to my knees and start to cry. I lost her once and I've lost her again.

Where are you?

I think to myself.


I hear a faint voice.

Y/n! Are you in my head?

I can hear her in my thoughts.

I guess. I'm not sure. I heard a voice in my head, and now I'm here

She responds.

Where are you?

I ask.

I'm in the nether,in this mansion. I can't move and he is torturing me please hurry Laurance.

She begs.

I'll try Y/n he has no idea what he has coming.

Y/n's POV

I can't believe I just talked to Laurance hopefully it was real, and not just my imagination.

We've been sitting in silence for awhile now.

I try to move my fingers, and they move. I move my toes and they also move.

This means I can move my arms and legs now.

He looks back.

"Just give up Y/n. Join me. We could be so good together." He takes a step towards me.

"I will never join you." I spit at his face and he slowly wipes it away.

He then turns towards the fireplace again.

I look down to see marks start to form on my hand.


My eyes widen. I slowly move my hands to hide it.

I then see that my clothes are starting to change.

I have to do something now. I'm starting to change into my form.

Warning there are graphic scenes ahead. You have been warned.

I slowly stand up, and rush over to Gene and jump on his back.

I wrap my arms around his neck trying to choke him.

He pushes me against the wall making me let go.

He comes towards me but I kick him away.

I start to run towards the door, but he pulls my leg making me fall to the ground.

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