29;Memory Lane

120 11 15



Third POV

Young Y/n who is only 15,walks down the hallways of the castle. She knew it like the back if her hand.

She had spent many hours and minutes even summers in the castle.

Her father allways took her with him when he went. He knew how much she loved going.

As she walked down she heard a familiar voice. A voice she hated leaving but it was like poison everytime she came back.

She smiled and stopped at the room where it was coming from. The door was open widely revealing Garroth looking down at the paper and whispering soft words.

Y/n smiled and took another step trying to be quite but the floor creaked and Garroth immediately looked up.

His eyes light up when he sees her.

It was like on Christmas morning when you unwrap a present that you've been asking for, for months.

They both ran to each other and hugged.

He pushed her on to the bed falling on top of her playfully.

They both laughed as Garroth pushed up a little to see Y/n's face.

She smiled and grazed her fingers through his hair.

Garroth smiled then stood up.

"I can't believe your here. G gene didn't tell your mother what-"," No he didn't tell her thankfully." Y/n interrupted him quickly.

Garroth sighed in relieve and set next to her.

"Good that means..." Garroth slid his hand on to Y/ns upper part of her leg.

She quickly pushed it off and stood up.

Garroth gave her a strange look.

"What's wrong you said Gene didn't tell?"

Y/n bit her lip and looked down.

"He didn't but I feel like its wrong. Shouldn't we tell our parents that were more then best friends." She whispers.

Garroth stands up." They don't need to know if they know they'll just keep us apart." He puts his hand on her cheek cupping it in his hand.

She frowned then looked up.

He started to lean in again and close his eyes.

"Tag!" Y/n yelled poking his arm then running away.

Garroth opened his eyes and dropped his hands.

Y/n ran into a room a couple doors down and locked it behind her.

She then looked down at the paper in her hand.

She had grabbed it off of Garroths desk when he tried to kiss her.

She then started to read.

Dear Y/n

Please don't be mad. Next time you come to the castle you won't see me. IF you ever get to come back since I'm assuming Gene told your parents he found us making out in your bed.
I am sorry about that by the way, but anyway. I don't see any use in staying here to find a wife because I don't want a wife I want you.
So my dad is taking me away to work on this secret volunteer base thing, I can't tell you where it is,but just know I'm safe there please take care of yourself. Your beautiful and deserve someone who can take care of you.

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