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Two-bit P.O.V
I walked into the Curtis household when the lamp fell off of its stand then a chair comes out of nowhere and hits me I fell down holding my head when a figure appears infront of me. "I am so sorry Two-bit I just needed to make you see Me" Johnny is that you" yes it is hi " wow I thought you were dead" I am as you can see I am a Ghost who was given another chance." But that comes with a catch "well what is it"

* Flashback*
"Jonathan Cade rise you have been given the opportunity to go back to your friends but there's a catch I am giving you two month to make all of your friends see hear and know that your there. If you don't do this you will come back here and never to return but if you do pass well you will find out. Am I understood yes you are now go"

* end of Flashback

Johnny p.o.v

" I need your help because so far only you can see me "ok who is your next target " Steve is do you know how to get him? Yeah he is working on a car outside. Lets go. "Hey Steve what's up pal " what did you do now.

Steve p.o.v
Two-bit comes up to me acting the way when he found out about the twin switch . " what do you want I'm busy" can't a friend say hi to a friend " can you hand me my screw drive" why don't you get it" Fine I opened the tool box when a figure came out It looked like a ghost but then I realized who that ghost was. "Johnnycake is that really you " yes it is " then they explained the whole two months thing now I have to help them scare Soda.

Sodapop p.o.v
I was looking in the mirror as always then Steve and Two-bit walked in "hey Soda pal,amigo" I knew something was up they were acting weird" Hey guys I said while turning back to my modeling secession. That is when i saw something I got scared and hit the figure with the broom that is when I heard my name yelling at me to stop. I stopped when I realized who that voice was " Johnny!!! Omg I thought we lose you" now that this is over how are we going to scare Darry.

Cliffhanger YAY JOHNNY IS BACK let's see if he can get Darry Ponyboy and Lillie to know he is there you didn't expect that to happen did you well I got to go before a chair hits me bye Steve out

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