Shocking news

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Lily rose pov
I got up and ran to the bathroom and threw up I had an idea of what was going on. I told pony I thought I was pregnant so we went to the doctor and he told me I was. When we got home I told the others soda was shocked, so was Sawyer, the girls just giggled except for avery, darry was disappointed and the gang did so many different reactions that I couldn't even count.

Ray pov
So lily (Olivia's twin) has been acting weird for a couple of weeks now and I dont know why. I tried asking her what'd wrong and she either ignores me or stay it's nothing and I don't think it's is so I decided to drag her into a room. "Lily what's going on with you and why have been ignoring me did I do something wrong?" With that she started crying and I engulfed her in a hug "I haven't been ignoring you and you did nothing wrong it's just i-im p-pregnant." When she said that I didn't know what to do so I asked her who's is it and she told me it was mine I lifted her up and spun her and went to go tell the gang.

Steve pov
(Before I start this Ella supposed to be 15 not 5) Ella has been acting strange all week and I have no idea why because she wouldn't tell me and I don't know why. "Ella what going on" I asked her with a confused face "oh hey I didn't see you there" " come on tell me" I begged her. "Fine but promise me you won't tell my brother" "I promise" " I'm pregnant" when I heard this I was so shocked that's when she told me that it's mine and now we have to tell the gang and her brother let's just hope he doesn't kill me.

Darry pov
I was coming home from work thinking about all the news we have received this past week. I was driving until I see a person walking I got out and started walking toward the person. When I got closer I seem that I knew the person "chase is that you?" "Darrel is that you?" That's when we realized that we knew each other I brought him over to the house to introduce him to the girls since he already knows the boys. Once we got there we walked the boys seen him and siad there 'hi's and then I introduce him to the girls "Girls this is my best friend from highschool chase Parker, chase this is Lillie, Mickie, lily, Olivia, Isabella, my one true love Ava, my sisters lily rose, and Avery." When I finished I seen chase and avery starting at each other and then I look over to jace and seen him getting mad I walked over to him " go tell her how you feel" "do you think she feels the same way" "go see." After that I got some shocking news that ava is pregnant and now it's our turn to tell the gang.

Jace pov
I'm gonna do it I walked over to her and asked her if I could talk to her she followed me to a room and looked at me. "Avery look I don't know how to say this but I like you more than friends" I waited for her answer but didn't get one until she kissed me and I kissed back. We pulled away and she siad "does that answer your question?" "Yeah it does" I say as I kiss her again this was the best day ever even thought we got some shocking news all day but the best part was calling avery mine.

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