Car Crash (Crawford imagine)

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It was the middle of the night and you head back to your apartment. You spent the day with your ex Matt. You both agreed that things wouldn't get awkward and that you guys will still be friends and since Crawford's been on tour he hasn't been able to spend time with you. "Bye Matt, thank you for today I had so much fun" you said while heading to your car. "Bye y/n! I hope we can do it again :)" he said with a smile as he turned and walked away. You arrive home in 20 minuets flat. As you walk inside you see Crawford sleeping on the couch with his mouth open and drool dripping from the side. He must have fell asleep while waiting for me to come home you said to yourself. You poke his dimple. He didn't even move. You poked his dimple harder. Still nothing happened. You then straddle him and just stared. He looked so beautiful. You leaned down to wake him up with a kiss. As your lips almost touched you felt hands grab your waist and you were suddenly flipped. You see Crawford hovering over you looking like a babe with his messy hair which turned you on. He leaned in and kissed you. "How was your day babe?" He asked while getting up so you could sit. "It was great actually I hung out with Matt today." You said. "MATT?! YOU HUNG OUT WITH MATT?!" Crawford yelled. "Yes Crawford. You were busy with your tour and meet n greets that I had nothing to do so I called Matt.." You said trying to be calm. "Do you not remember what he did to you?" He said in a low voice. "He abused you and then cheated on you with your best friend! How can you not hate him??" "Crawford that was in the past. I learned to forgive and forget. He's better now. You have nothing to worry about I can take care of myself." "No I do not want you to hangout with him anymore. He could do something to you and I don't want to let that happen. I would never be able to forgive myself if something happened." He said. "Stop telling me who I can and can't hangout with. I'm old enough to make my own decisions" you said. "Ugh do you not understand anything? Can't you see I'm trying to protect you? I don't want you hurt again." "Maybe YOU'RE the one who doesn't understand. I told you a billion times he's changed! WHY CANT YOU BELIEVE ME?! JUST LEAVE AND STOP BABYING ME!" You yelled. "FINE! BUT DON'T COME BACK TO ME IF SOMETHING HAPPENS!!" He grabbed his car keys and slammed the door. You sighed in frustration and a tear rolled down your cheek. You hated when you guys argued. "Maybe I was a bit harsh on him" you thought to yourself. I mean I don't know how I could still trust Matt after what he's done to me but I do believe he has changed. Frustrated you took a nice warm shower and laid in your sheets waiting and hoping that Crawford would come back. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *ring* *ring* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
You woke up to your cell phone ringing. Who would be calling at 3:30am in the morning? "Hello, who is this?" you said in a groggy voice. "Hello ma'm. Do you know a Crawford Collins?" "Yes I do he's my boyfriend" you said in a strange tone. "May I ask who's speaking?" "Ma'm Crawford had been in a very serious car accident. He got t-boned and three other cars crashed into him. He's in ICU as of right now." You became utterly silent. A crash? No it can't be. It's not Crawford they must have mistaken him. It's not him oh please don't let it be him you said with tears rolling down your face. "Ma'm are you still there? If you can hear me you better come down to the hospital. You need to be there for him. I'll see you in a few. I'm so sorry." She hung up and you still stood frozen in shock. It's my fault it's all my fault. If only I listened. He was just looking out for me. You quickly grabbed your car keys still in your pjs and drove as fast as you can straight to the hospital. Tears kept coming out of your eyes. You called Chris and only Chris. You were to scared to tell the others. You arrived at the hospital and just in time, Chris had just arrived. "Y/n! How did this happen?" He said with a scared and worried tone. "I-It was my fault. We got into an argument about Matt and he left angry. It's all my fault" you said sobbing. You felt Chris wrap you in a hug rocking you back and forth. "Don't say that y/n it's not your fault." You guys soon walk in together hand in hand. "Hi Crawford Collins please?" Chris said to the lady at the front desk. "Family member?" "Yes ma'm" "And what about her?" She said pointing to me. "She's his girlfriend." Chris said. "I'm sorry but she's not family so she can't come." "She's his girlfriend. Please let her come." Chris said in a stern low voice. "Fine. Just this ONE time. He's in room 198" "Thank you" Chris said. You guys run through the hallways and count the numbers down. "195, 196, 197, AHH! 198!" I yelled! We took a deep breath and opened the door. He looked horrible. He was lying down on the bed with so many tubes stuck to his body. He has a cast on his leg and arm. He had so many cuts everywhere and bruises on his face. You run to his side and start crying your eyes out. "Crawford?" You sobbed. "I'm so sorry I didn't listen to you. I'm so sorry we got into an argument because of my stubborn butt. I wish I listened to you. None of this would have happened." Suddenly you felt a hand touch your face lifting your chin up. Tears in your eyes you looked up and saw Crawford smiling at you. "No babe I'm sorry. I'm sorry I didnt trust you. I should've believed you when you said he changed. I was so worried. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if something happened. I love you with my everything." He said while caressing your face. "I love you so much more Crawford. I love you so much that no words can describe how I feel. You are my everything." You gently grabbed his face and gave him a long kiss. He smiled one last smile before closing his eye and dropping his hand. The machines started going crazy beeping everywhere. "Crawford?" You say. "CRAWFORD?!" You yelled with more tears coming out of your eyes. "Please Crawford don't leave me. Not now. I need you please!!" You sob. Chris pulls you back as the doctors and nurses come rushing in. You stand watching in horror as they try to revive Crawford. "I'm sorry but there's nothing we can do anymore. He's dead" the doctor said. And in that moment I dropped to the floor crying like never before. He's dead..he's dead. He's dead and it was all my fault.

*Here is a sad imagine and I'm hoping you guys enjoyed! Please let me know what I can do to change the way I write to make it easier for you guys💓*

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