If its meant to be, they'll come back part 3 (Chris imagine)

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Amanda's POV
Today was a nice beautiful day. I was with my boyfriend Christian Collins aka Weeklychris and yes THE Weeklychris. We were sitting at the park just admiring the scenery. "It's such a beautiful day today." I said. "Ya it really is a beautiful day." He sounded sad. I remember the day we met and he told me about how the love of his life broke up with him because she didn't love him anymore. We were good friends before we started dating. I started being there for him and we became closer and now here we are. I sighed knowing why he was sad. The last time he saw her was at the park. This one in particular. I know he really cares about me and I do too. I wish I knew how to fix this. Hey how about Starbucks? I knew he couldn't resist that. "Babe lets go get something to drink at Starbucks. Sound good?" "Sure my love lets go." He said with a smile. You knew it was forced. He got up and intertwined your hands together and kissed your forehead. You kissed his nose. Hand in hand you guys walked to Starbucks admiring each other presence. As you entered the door you saw her. The girl Chris was talking about. He must have seen her too. "Y/N? Is that really you?" you hear him say. "Chris?" You knew it was her who said that. You look up and see a hurt look on her face. She glanced at your hand which is intertwined with Chris'. "I can't believe you're here. Are you going back to Europe or are you staying?" You hear him say. "I'm staying. Forever. My mom found a permanent job back here so we're staying for good." She said. Hm that gives me an idea. "Who's your friend Chris?" I looked up. "This is Amanda Steele. My girlfriend." He said while looking at you. "Oh. nice to meet you Amanda. I'm y/n." "Hey y/n nice too meet you!" I liked her already. Suddenly a tall brunette came over and wrapped his arms around her waist. "Oh Chris this is Cameron Dallas. My boyfriend." You hear her say. Damn he's cute. "Hey Cameron it's nice to meet you." "You too Chris. It was nice to meet you." You heard them say. Chris was about to say something but then he saw her getting ready to leave. "Bye Chris, I'll see you." She ran up to give him a hug. "I'll see you soon." I hear him whisper in her ear.  As I watched them leave I hear Chris 'I never stopped loving you'. He still loves her. This plan is gonna be great you thought a smirk appearing on your face. You see the hurt expression he had on his face as he watches them leave. "Hey babe, ready to get something to drink?" I said. "Ya lets go love." You smiled and he intertwined his hands with yours. I gave him a quick peck on the lips as we stood in line. I noticed him staring back as they shared a kiss. I know how to make it work. I had to break up with him. I care about him so much which is why I'm doing this. After we ordered our drinks we took a walk. "So Chris." "So Amanda." He said smiling. I took a deep breath. "I'm breaking up with you." He looked surprised. "Before you ask why let me tell you. I saw the way you looked at her today when you ran into each other at starbucks. You still have strong feelings and I don't blame you . All the stuff you told me about her and the love you had for each other was beautiful and perfect which is why I'm doing this. Go get her back Chris. Go get the love of your life." I was suddenly engulfed in a hug and felt a kiss on my forehead. "Thank you Amanda." You hear him say. "Thank you for understanding. I appreciate you so much. Thank you for giving such a wonderful few years to me. I will and always love you." You smile knowing you did the right thing. "I love you more chris."

Chris' POV
"So Chris." I hear Amanda say. "So Amanda." I said smiling. She took a deep breath. "I'm breaking up with you." I was surprised. She's breaking up with me? What did I do wrong.. I guess I'm not a good boyfriend.. "Before you ask why let me tell you. I saw the way you looked at her today when you ran into each other at starbucks. You still have strong feelings and I don't blame you . All the stuff you told me about her and the love you had for each other was beautiful and perfect which is why I'm doing this. Go get her back Chris. Go get the love of your life." I engulfed her in a hug and kissed her forehead. She was the best.  "Thank you Amanda." I say. "Thank you for understanding. I appreciate you so much. Thank you for giving such a wonderful few years to me. I will and always love you." You felt her smile. "I love you more chris." she said. I drove her back home giving her one last hug and one last kiss on the nose before thanking her for the millionth time. "Thank you so much Amanda. I had such an amazing time with you. You taught me how to love again. I can never thank you enough. "Don't worry Chris. I think I found myself someone else." You smirked. "Ooo is it Cameron Dallas?" You said wiggling your eyebrows. She giggled then blushed. "Shh don't tell anyone okay?" "Okay I promise." Giving her one last final hug i said goodbye and head to y/n's house. Im finally going to get her back. After a few minuets of driving I finally made it to her house. I walked up to her door and rang the doorbell. Her parents opened the door. "Oh hello Chris how have you been love? I haven't seen you in a long time." That was y/n's mom. She was so sweet and kind. She reminded me so much about y/n. "Hello ma'm I've been okay. I haven't seen you in so long either since y/n and I broke up.." "It was hard for her Chris. We moved to Europe for a few years and it was hard seeing her broken. Every time she saw a couple she would break down and cry because it reminded her of what you guys had. She met Cameron along the way. Such a sweet boy but I'd prefer you. My job finally let me stay in LA so we're staying for good." I was in utter shock. She moved? Why didn't she tell me?? I was so heart broken for so long. "I'm sorry but you guys moved?" "Yes love didn't she tell you?" "No, she told me she broke up with me because she didn't love me anymore.." At this moment I was confused. Why didn't she just tell me? We would make long distance work. I would've waited for her because I love her with all my heart. "WHAT?! That's crazy Chris. You and I both know she still loves you so much. Go back to her and ask why she didn't tell you. Get her back Chris." "I will ma'm. By the way do you know where she is?" "She's at Cameron's apartment. Let me give you the address." "Thank you so much." She comes back with the address. You said goodbye and head off. Finally after being apart for so long I'm going to get you back. Im going to be able to call you mine. I finally arrived. I fixed my shirt and hair making sure I was presentable. I lifted my hand and rang the doorbell. I heard the knob turn as someone was opening the door. Here it goes. I'm ready to get y/n back.

🏙 Its going to get better!! Thank you for reading❤🏙

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