The Collin brothers (Chris and Crawford imagine)

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You plopped down on your bed while scrolling through twitter then instagram trying to decide what to do today. You decided to text Chris and see if he wanted to hangout.
Y/n: Hey Chris you doing anything today?
Chris: Hey! No I'm not doing anything. Why? ;)
Ugh of course he would end it with a winky face. I rolled my eyes. Typical Chris.
Y/n: Well I wanted to see if you want to hangout. I'm bored and I have nothing to do.
Chris: I'm always free for you. Come over to my house baby ;)
Might I remind you guys that Chris is one of the biggest flirts along with his brother Crawford and I happen to be their friend. I mean they're both cute but I don't think I have any feelings for them..I think...I hope. You sighed to yourself knowing that today will be a long day. Chris lives about 5 minuets away so I decided to walk to his house. I rang the door bell and waited for the door to open. For some reason I was nervous but I ignored it. Just then the door opened revealing a shirtless Chris. All I could do was stare at those abs. "Eyes up here babe. You can see more later." He said with a wink. Oh no, have I been staring at his abs that long. "HA you're funny. Go put a shirt on." I said rolling my eyes. "Okay baby girl if you say so." He welcomes me in the house and tells me to wait downstairs for him. I hear someone walk down the stairs shirtless. Ugh did he not hear what I said? "CHRIS PUT A SHI-" I realized that it wasn't Chris. It was Crawford. "Hey y/n! I didn't see you there. I know my abs are hot and all but please eyes up here." He smirked. Chris and Crawford were both big flirts but you can say Crawford was a bit more flirty. I froze not knowing what to do. Being me I got up and walked to the kitchen to get something to drink. I took a step back and felt someones chest against my back. Crawford. He slipped his hands around my waist and slowly brought it down to my hips. He put his head on my shoulder and started planting small kisses on my neck. His lips were soft. He found my sweet spot and bit down harder. Not knowing I let a moan escape my mouth. He smiled. I slapped my hand over my mouth in shock of what just happened. "I know you liked that babe. Come to my room and we can do some more." I hear Chris come down with a shirt on. He saw Crawford touching my hips and got upset. He pulled me away and trapped me in his arms. "Bro she's mine, leave her alone." Crawford rolled his eyes and started heading back upstairs. "Chris I am not yours. I don't even like you." Lies. I did like him. "Please we all know you can't resist this." He said motioning to himself. "Okay Chris if it helps you sleep at night." "How about I take you on a date? We can get dinner and go swimming!" I thought about it for a while before answering. "Fine I'll go on a date with you. But Collins if you pull anything on me I am so gonna kick your-" Before I could finish I felt a pair of lips on mine. I kissed back immediately. I realized what I've done and broke the kiss. He held me tight leaving no space between us. "Great we'll leave in 10" He kissed my neck and went back upstairs to get ready. I paced back and forth wondering what I just did and what is going on with me. Chris came back down wearing a button up with his sleeves rolled up to his elbows. He wore black skinny jeans and his white vans. He. Looked. Hot. "You ready to go beautiful?" He held his hand out and I grabbed it. He pulled me close and intertwined our fingers. He thought it would be a good idea to walk. Let me remind you that it's winter over here and it's 60 degrees out and we are going swimming. I was wearing a dress with black stockings and a scarf. I started shivering and Chris pulled me tighter trying to keep me warm. "Don't worry we're almost there." I snuggled into him more. I felt him kiss the top of my head. We finally arrived at Providence. I've heard of this place before and it's expensive. VERY expensive. "Chris, this place is so expensive. We could've gone to in n out and i'd still be happy. I don't want you spending so much." He held me close and looked into my eyes. I noticed how they changed color. "You deserve the best and I want to give that to you. I want you to feel treasured. Now don't argue, lets just sit and eat seafood." You gave him a tight hug. "Thank you Chris" You whispered in his ear. "Anything for you."  He said hugging you even tighter. You guys sat down and ordered and started talking about little things. There was laughing and at one point it got serious. After dinner you guys went to the pool. Chris is crazy for wanting to go to the pool. "I'll go change. Stay here and don't move, I'll be back in a bit." About 5 minuets later he came out in his swim trunks. And no shirt. His abs were so nice to look at. "If you want more of what you see it'll be in the pool." He said with a wink. I scoffed and went to the bathroom to change. I put on a strapless floral bikini top with some black bottoms. I walked out and saw him look my way. He got out of the pool and ran up to me. He places his hands on my waist and pulled me close. "Wow you look absolutely gorgeous." He said admiring the way you looked. You blushed. "Thank you." I started to make my way to the pool until I was picked up. "CHRISTIAN PUT ME DOWN!" "Okay okay I'll put you down." He set me down. In the freezing cold water. I swam up gasping for air. "IT'S SO COLD IN HERE. IM FREEZING." I said chattering at every word. "Let me help with that." He jumped in the pool and swam up to me. He pushed me up against the corner. He held me close and just stared. He grabbed my face and rubbed his thumb on my cheek. I smiled. "Gosh you're so beautiful. You know that right?" I laughed. "You're not so bad yourself." I said while biting my lip. He smiled and leaned in to kiss me. I kissed back treasuring the way his lips felt on mine. How soft and gentle they were. The kiss got more heated. He gripped my butt and deepened the kiss even more. Was it getting hot in here or is it just me? I thought to myself. I ran my hands through his soft hair and tugged it which caused him to moan. He broke the kiss and moved to my neck. He sucked on my skin leaving a trail of love bites. He sucked harder at every moan that escaped my mouth. I wrapped my legs around him and he placed his hands on my thigh. I removed his face from my neck and brought his lips to mine tugging on his lip ring causing him to moan. I went to his neck and planted soft kisses. He moaned at every touch. I smirked knowing I found his weakness. He lifted my chin up and kissed me once more. This kiss was gentle and passionate. We broke apart breathing heavily. He rested his forehead on mine and we stayed there in silence. "Well that was..amazing." He said. "Ya it really was." I blushed. "Um y/n I've had a crush on you for a while and I've been meaning to ask.. Will you be my girlfriend?" I have a crush on Christian Collins and he has a crush on me. "I'd love to be your girlfriend." He kissed me one last time. We packed our things and started to head out. We arrived home and I saw a Crawford peeking out the window. He opened the door and quickly pulled me in slamming it shut. "Where's Chris?" "He's outside getting our stuff. Why?" "Perfect. I've been waiting for you to get back so I can do this." He pinned me up against the door and smashed his lips on to mine. I immediately kissed back but pushed away after I realized what I've done. He moves to my neck and starts to kiss it but stops. "What's with those love bites on your neck?" He said confused. "Chris gave them to me. I'm his. I'm sorry Crawford." I pushed him off and sat on the couch waiting for Chris. "Fine. I'll stop." He sighed. I walked up and pulled him into a hug. "I'll still love you best friend." I said while giving him a kiss on the cheek. "I'll always love you." He let me go and walked up the stairs. Chris came back and we decided to watch a movie. Of course we watched Tangled. It was my all time favorite move ever. I spent the rest of the night in his arms knowing that he was mine and I was his. Best night ever.

* I hope you love it! I didn't know what to caption it🌚💗*

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