#PrayForAlly❤️ (Crawford Imagine)

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Today was the day. I was having heart surgery today. About a week ago I found out that I had a serious heart problem which need surgery. I was not afraid of death but the thought of not seeing my boyfriend Crawford again made me scared. I was sitting on the bed waiting for them to wheel me in. I heard the door open and I looked to my right seeing Crawford. He looks horrible; his eyes were red and he had bags under them. Ever since I told him he hasn't slept at all and he's been crying. "Hi baby are you ready?" He asked. He walked up and held your hand and brought it to his mouth giving it a gentle kiss. "I think I'm ready, I'm just scared.." You tried to hold in your tears and be strong for him. For yourself. He noticed and cried a bit too, "Don't worry you're going to be just fine and I'll get to see you and your beautiful smile in no time. I'll be here waiting for you." He kissed your forehead and you guys sat in silence. After a few minuets the doctor came in all dressed up for the surgery "Hello Ally, are you ready to go?" "Yes I'm ready to go." "Okay let me call the nurse to help wheel you in. I'll see you in a few" He smiled and walked out. A few nurses came in and started to wheel me in. I gave Crawford one last smile and a mouthed 'I love you.' He smiled back and mouthed 'I love you more. I'll see you soon.' With that he left and he was the last thing I saw. "We're going to put the medicine in so that you start falling asleep. Don't worry sweetheart you're going to be okay, we'll be here next to you the whole time. Be strong." And with that my eyes got heavier and heavier until everything was black.

Crawford's POV
I was sitting in the waiting room for about 3 hours, I kept pacing back and forth hoping and praying that my baby will be okay. Chris let out a small chuckle "Yo Crawford stop pacing so hard you're gonna break through the floor." "I'm sorry dude I'm just so worried about her. I'm praying so hard man..this is hard for me.." I slumped down into my seat and felt Chris pull me in for a hug. "Don't worry Crawford she's going to be fine, she's strong I know she'll get through this." I wiped my tears away and just say in silence with Chris by my side. I couldn't have asked for a better brother. So many things were running through my head 'She's going to be okay right?' 'Of course she is Crawford what are you thinking!' 'Okay okay brain I'll stop panicking.' 'She'll be okay right?!' 'Ugh I should stop worrying and listen to Chris, she'll be fine.' I don't know how long I was thinking until I heard my name being called. "Huh what?" "I'm gonna stop by chipotle to get something to eat, you want anything?" It was Chris. "No I'm not hungry, thanks dude." "Crawford you haven't been eating much, you NEED to eat something. As your older brother it's my responsibility to feed you and also if I don't mom and dad will kill me." You let out a laugh. Chris always knew how to lighten the mood. "Okay fine get me something." "I'll be back, stay strong Crawford. Love you bro." "Love you too man." And with that he left. It's been about 7hrs since I last saw her. Chris came back about a few hours ago and we ate our food. We played games to pass the time but it wasn't working. She was still on my mind. After what seemed about hours the doctor came out. I quickly sat up waiting for what he has to say. "Crawford Collins right? You were here with your gf Ally?" "YES YES THAYS ME! IS SHE OKAY?! ASDFGHIJKL DID SHE MAKE IT?!" The doctor laughed. "Calm down. The surgery went well! She's stable and you can see her right away! She's in room 187." I quickly shook the doctors hand thanking him a million times before running to her room. I hear Chris running after me. We finally reached the room. Chris placed his hands on his knees trying to take in some breaths. "Damn Crawford how can you run that fast and not even be tired?!" He said panting. "When you have a gf you'll understand." He glared at me and I just gave him a cheesy smile. I opened the door and saw her lying on the bed; she had so many tubes and wires connected to her. She was still so beautiful, just as beautiful as the first day I laid eyes on her. I stood there for god knows how long just admiring her. I heard the faintest laugh and saw her smile at me. "Ally! My beautiful baby I'm so glad you're okay! I missed you so much!" I cried tears of joy thanking God that she was okay. I embraced her in a hug, not tight enough to hurt her but enough for her to feel my emotions. "Crawford I missed you so much. Im so glad I get to see you again." She was tearing up a bit. You kissed her forehead, then cheek, then nose, and finally lips. "Are you kidding me?! I missed YOU! I was so worried about you!! It drove me crazy." She cupped my face with her left hand and stroked my cheek with her thumb. I smiled and kissed the palm of her hand. "I love you so much Crawford." "I love you more than life itself Ally, thank you for being okay." She scooted over and I laid down next to her. Holding her close and never letting go. I'm so glad she's okay. I'm so glad I have my baby girl.

*Crawford imagine dedicated to my love Ally💗 ( Ig: @addictingcollins) I hope you all enjoyed it!  #PrayForAlly❤️🙏🏻😞*

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