A tag...

114 13 11

Rules ~

• Five facts about myself

• Within a week of posting

• Tag fifteen people afterwords


Side note, I am doing this as Admin, because that is how the person who tagged me (AstoriaGreengrass) did it.


Nombre un ~

One of the only reasons I decided to have a 'roleplay Fleur' account here on Wattpad was because I had (might possibly still have) the biggest crush on Bill Weasley/Domnhall Gleeson. I am definitely glad I made it however, it has been extreme fun, and I've made a few friends along the way.

Nombre deaux ~

My favorite band would have to be Twenty One Pilots. I know that's entirely 'typical white girl' of me, but I really do enjoy their music. My favorite genre of music all together is Punk Rock, but not really one specific band. That was two facts... Oh well *laughs*

Nombre trois ~

I want to be a clinical psychologist (mental therapist) when I graduate.

Nombre quatre ~

I am going to dye the tips of my (blonde) hair bright green, eventually. I have to get enough courage to actually go through with it, however.

Nombre cinq ~

One of my favorite pastimes when my friends drag me to social events (e.g. - shopping, eating at a restaurant, etc.), is to people watch. This is coming from someone who is interested in Psychology, but it is extremely fun. Especially when I feel like being creative and making up stories for people.


Finally, I will tag 15 people ~
















If you've already done this tag, then you can ignore this I guess. If you haven't, please do it!

Also, I do realize I am practically at the end of the week time limit, I apologize but I forgot to post it yesterday... désolé? *shrugs* Anyways, thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed it!

Français ~ Sorry?

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