Favourite Animal...

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-AlbusSeverusPotter- asked ~

"How's Uncle Bill? Oh! And one more question! What's your favourite animal?"


Firstly, Bill is well *smiles* He is still in Egypt because of Gringott's, but he is doing well. I visited him last weekend, actually.

Secondly, my favourite animal. I am unsure as to whether it matters if it's magical being or not, so I shall answer to both.

My favourite non-magical animal is the Arctic wolf. I do not know what it is about them, yet they seem to enchant me. Figuratively speaking, of course *smiles* I suppose it may be because they always protect their own, sometimes even dying for ones they are close to.

My favourite magical beast would have to be an Abraxan, as I used to help breed and take care of them at Beauxbatons; as school work for Care of Magical Creatures

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My favourite magical beast would have to be an Abraxan, as I used to help breed and take care of them at Beauxbatons; as school work for Care of Magical Creatures. I found them to be exceedingly loyal, being a shoulder to lean on when I needed it. They are truly majestic creatures; so much so that my former head mistress, Madame Maxime, used them as her main source of transport. That is a big deal, coming from her especially.

 That is a big deal, coming from her especially

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I hope that answered your question, mon neveu. I apologize for taking so long, with Hogwarts starting I have been back and forth to Diagon Alley, several times might I add *shakes head, but smiles* Anyways, thank you for reading! I hope you have enjoyed it!

((French ~ My nephew))

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