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"Hurry up, I wanna see!" Prince shouted from right outside the auditorium I was walking out of. "Let me see." He said taking the class list I'd just picked up out of my hand. As he stood there comparing it to his I just looked around. This was my new school? It's a lot bigger than my other school. The old brick building had so much character and charm.

My view of the building was blocked by Andre's tall self. "So...are you nervous?"

"Yeah, why do I look nervous?"

"Just a little." He said bringing his index finger and thumb close together, sarcasm swimming through words.

"Just one." Prince finally spoke up.

"We only have one class together? Which one?"

"Umm... Looks like US History with... Aw shit! It's with Mr Bradford."

"What's wrong with that?"

"Mr Bradford is a motherfucker! He's always kicking people out of class. And he does these crazy pop quizzes all the time."

"Let me see yours Dre." I said grabbing his out of his hand. "Oh, we have two classes together."

"Which ones?" Andre questioned, trying to look at the two pieces of paper in my hand.

"English and Sex Ed. Oh, you have first lunch. I have second. Which lunch do you have Prince?"

"Second, but I don't do lunch. The music teacher lets me stay in there and practice."

"Yeah, no one's allowed in there but him." Andre said with a hint of jealousy in his tone.

The bell rang as the knot in my stomach began to tighten up more. The first day is always the worst day. If I can just get through today, I'll be alright.

I walked into my first class, and to my surprise I see Terry. "Hey, friend!" leaning in for a hug. I sat down next to him hoping he wasn't saving the seat for someone else.

"Chubby Bunny!" I turned around to see who the hell would be screaming that at 7:30 in the morning. It was the girl I beat in the last round of Chubby Bunny at Pepe's party. Last time I saw her she was super drunk and hanging all over everyone.

She walked up, "I'm Lisa by the way. Oh, hey Terry." "Im Martha, nice to see you again."

Turns out, every class I had, I had with someone I knew including Lisa. Prince and I walk into Mr Bradford's class and took seats next to each other in the back. It was nice to be with him for at least one of my classes. As it turns out, Prince was right, Mr Bradford is a motherfucker. He threw three kids out of class for chewing gum. I can only hope I don't get in trouble with Prince here, I'd always had a hard time holding my tongue in class.

The first few weeks of school went ok. It was kind of a hit or miss if Lisa would be there to hang out with at lunch. She liked to cut class a lot. I often found myself hanging around Paul and his basketball friends. A 5' girl hanging around all these giants was a little awkward, now I kinda know how Prince feels being on the basketball team.

Besides the class we had together, it seemed like Prince pretty much ignored me all day. I even walked right passed him in the hall once and he didn't even acknowledge me. When I told him about it, he said he didn't see me.

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