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This was my first fall in Minnesota. I'd never been that cold in my life. The skies were always grey and the ground was always wet. It felt like work, school and every other obligation should just close down until spring.

Our date was at the drive in, and it was packed. Lucky for us, the rain let up for the day so we were able to take advantage. It was Prince's turn to pick the movie, so he chose One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest. He told me he'd had to read the book for English and liked it a lot.

We pulled up to our spot at the theater in Prince's dad's car with Morris and Paul. How romantic.

"This doesn't count as a date." I scoffed.

"I know, I'm so sorry. I promise I'll make it up to you." Prince said regretfully.

Apparently, Prince lost some basketball bet to Morris and Paul. So now, here we were, all four of us.

I passed out the sandwiches I'd made before Morris said, "Hey me an Paul are gonna sit out on the chairs we brought."

"Yeah." Price said, choosing to focus more on his food.

Morris and Paul shuffled through the trunk getting their fold out chairs plus another 500 blankets to try and keep warm.

Before the previews were over Prince leans towards me, "So...you wanna go to the backseat?"

"No." I said with my arms firmly crossed.

"Aw, come on, they're out there. They won't know what we're doing." He said running his hand over my thigh.

"I'm not taking any chances. And didn't you really want to see this movie?" My attitude becoming noticeable.

"Yeah, but I'd rather spend time with you."

After I remained silent, "Fine, well, I'm cold and the blankets are back there. I'm going to the back." He climbed over the seat leaving me to freeze in the front seat.

"Oh, it's so warm and toasty back here." He said stretching the blankets across him and the empty seat next to him.

"Ugh." I crawled back there, for nothing more than to feel my feet again. I was met with a wicked grin. "Mmm... I knew you'd come." His tone turning suggestive.

"Don't try anything. It's not gonna happen."

The view from the backseat was non existent. Plus, the longer we stayed in the car, the foggier the windows got. There was no way we were going to be able to watch the movie. We just sat there in the dark and talked.

"We are gonna go record at the studio in a couple of weeks."

"Finally. Are you excited?"

"I know it's taking forever to get here. I'm really excited though. We've got all the songs picked out and we've been practicing only those songs for about a week. I want it to be good."

"It'll be good. I'm really happy for you, you guys deserve this." I said nuzzling my cold cheek into his chest.

We continued our conversation before he wrapped his arm around me and we held each other under those blankets until we fell asleep.

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