2. Event

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"Heol," The three of us just stood dumbfounded at the huge mansion that were in front of us. The mansion was so huge that I'm thinking if it's the same size of the entire Mapo district.

It was also lit in every corner as luxury cars and glamorous women and boys flocked the area. The enormous front door was guarded by five big security guards while every nook and corner were also heavily-guarded.

Damn, the security was as intense as what they have at the Blue house.

I looked around the area; a lot of cameramen were around the area but they stood at least 1 kilometer away from the establishment, making me suddenly hide my face. I didn't want my face to be on the cover of tomorrow's newspaper and I certainly didn't want to be questioned with what I was doing here in this Taehyung's house. "Let's go inside quickly," I suddenly walked rapidly towards the front door, beckoning for my still awestruck best-friends. Thankfully, they followed me as Seokjin gave one of the guards the gold envelope he received. The guards still asked for our I.Ds though and said that we can have them back when we leave.

We hesitated but knew that we didn't have a choice so we just complied and finally entered the humongous establishment.

Loud music blared and tuxedoed men roamed the place with a tray of the finest champagne. There was even a huge pool in the middle with a walkway, just above another colored fountain that created an indoor waterfall, making me almost drool at the wonderful interior. Everything was gold and white, fitting the glamorous set of people that were dancing all over the place. "I think we just reached the holy land, gentlemen." Seokjin commented, the three of us were still in a gaze.

Hoseok and I just nodded in agreement, still wide-eyed with the entire scenario that has unfolded right in front of our eyes.

We were just shook off from our amazement as one of the tuxedoed server came up to us, offering as glasses of the finest champagne. "Welcome to Master Kim's mansion. The bar is at the second floor while the delicacies are on your right side. The third floor is strictly prohibited and any intruder would be faced with a grave punishment." He then smiled, "Enjoy the party." And with that, he left us and tended to the other guests. We just scowled but was suddenly swayed by the new beat that was playing, making all of us scream in delight.

Hoseok then raised his glass, his lips pulled into such a gleeful beam. "Let's party till' the sun rise!"

"Let's party till' the sun rise!" Seokjin and I repeated as we clinked our glasses together in a toast, divulging the wonderful sensation and taste of the champagne. "Let's go!"

We went on to explore what the party held and was amazed by everything we discovered. The party had it all! It even had the food that were only available in exotic and hidden places in the world and also gave the most expensive liquor to everyone. It also exhibited every kind of entertainment: to bowling, to movies, to billiards, to arcades, and many more. I've never been into a place that had what every human desires.

The mansion even have an indoor kart race track at the basement, which was a bad idea to try since we were all intoxicated. The place was literally paradise. You can never get enough since every corner of the house leads to a new discovery.

We decided to ease down our adventure and settle on the dance floor located on the first floor, grabbing new glasses of champagne as we swayed to the rhythm. "Hey, I see the president's daughter." Seokjin suddenly slurred, bobbing his head to a certain direction. Both Hoseok and I glanced and really saw the daughter of the president of our country. We all laughed at the sight of her being wild and wasted compared to the ideal image she portrayed on the screen. "Whoa, I didn't see her as the grinding and loud type of drunk." I remarked, still chortling.

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