5. Unexpected

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Jung Hoseok's POV

"Hoseok dear, I know that it's only a week before your classes start again but do you mind doing me a favor?" My mother suddenly interrupted me from the game I was playing, standing in front of the television to block me. I quickly hit pause and sighed, slightly glaring at her. "What is it?"

"You do know that my autumn collection would be debuting soon right? And I've been doing some research of my own and wanted Kim Namjoon to star in my fashion show!" She informed me gleefully, clapping her hands with the idea.

My eyebrows immediately furrowed, "Mom, he's a college student with a double-major and is literally unreachable...how do you think we'd be able to contact him?"

"Oh dear I already got an appointment," she waved me off with a smile, making my eyes widened. My mother has already contacted Kim Namjoon?! "The kid was very nice and has a keen interest in fashion but the thing is, I am needed to fly to New Delhi right now because of an unexpected situation so I would not be able to meet Namjoon. Can you meet him for me?"

I just looked at her, completely dumbfounded. She then grinned and walked off, waving her hand at me. "Okay, thank you my dear!"

"What--eomma!" I shouted but she was already inside the limousine, making me slouch on the couch. Ugh, she tricked me! Why couldn't she just get one of her employees to talk to Kim Namjoon? I mean, she has experienced employees who takes care of casting and what not.

I just groaned and just kicked and punched the air in frustration before sitting up and sighing. I decided to just postpone my game and turned off the PlayStation before rushing upstairs to get dressed. If I have to meet Kim Namjoon, I should at least look as nice as him.

I styled my hair longer than usual and also used my most expensive perfume before finally deciding to leave since I didn't want to make him wait too long. I'm not a fan of drivers and chauffeurs so buying cars has become a habit of mine. At first my mother didn't approve of it since my father already had enough but thankfully, they extended our property and gave me my own parking lot inside the mansion.

I put my sunglasses on since I'm driving a convertible and headed to Star hotels, one of the five-star and luxurious hotels in South Korea--in which the Kims owned. I put loud music on and shamelessly sang loudly to the songs, not even caring if I was basically being photographed in every stoplight.

The public knew me. They knew my friends and they knew almost everything about me. I was treated like a celebrity, with people trying to snap a picture of me or to even catch a selca with me. I didn't hate it though, I was friendly towards the masses. After all, they are our consumers--wait, well...not really since they couldn't afford our products. Maybe I just have to be friendly to them because of my father's reputation; we always have to maintain a poised and lovable image towards the public.

It was fun though. I love engaging and talking to the public even if I couldn't relate that much since I am confined within the walls of a high-class and noble society. Nonetheless, there's nothing wrong if you at least try to immerse yourself with their stories. Maybe that's why Jimin and Seokjin-hyung finds me weird, it seems like I have found a little soft spot for the poor.

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