Chapter Five: She Only Has Eyes For Brad Pitt

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CHAPTER FIVE: She Only Has Eyes For Brad Pitt.

"What?" I splutter, staring at him in disbelief. Matchmakers are usually a last-resort option, Harley had tried and failed several times before asking me for help. But Levi... Most girls would kill to go on a date with him, with or without my services.

He shrugs in response, leaning against the white railing, adjusting the blue and black soccer bag that all the representatives of Lake Worth have, and flaunt. He doesn't offer a reply as he glances around the room, and after a few moments, the hunger to know gets to me and I ask.

"With who?"

The corner of his mouth draws up in a closed smile, his eyes glinting with a malicious light. "You're not going to like thos." He says, taking a white rectangular object out of his dark jean's back pocket. I eye him suspiciously, although I can't quite make out what the thing is. I left my glasses in my backpack.

"That a catchphrase now, Jetts?" I ask, recalling the last time he said that to me. Yeah, I'd rather not relive that.

"Just maybe." He mutters, smiling a bit more as he tosses the pink striped object towards me, and I miraculously catch it. I marvel at my precious Whitney back in my hands - with 232 unread messages - but still safe and sound. I take a moment to do a celebratory happy dance in my head, and freeze when I spot Levi staring at me like I'm a freak.

"Who's the girl, Levi?" I repeat, composing myself as I slide my pink-cased phone into my back pocket.

He takes a deep breath and lets out a long exhale, ducking his head.

I wait again, somewhat more patient as I'm enchanted by the puppy dog look played upon his normally over-confident features. His cheeks are tinged with red when he glances up at me. I swallow, my pulse racing faster than normal under his somewhat bashful look.

"You." He mutters, making my heart lurch and my hands clammy. Crap. Levi can't be doing this to me. I struggle to remember how to form words - how to respond to this ridiculousness - but all that I can recall are whale noises.

"EEER, um.." Did I really start making whale noises? Out loud! "I mean, did you know, erm, a book is published every thirteen minutes in America? It's true!" I splutter, swallowing loudly and knotting my hands through my hair, blushing furiously.

Levi shakes his head slowly, a weary look on his face. "God, Flames, no need to get all hot and bothered. Just count your lucky stars that was a joke, or else you would have been in trouble." He looks down to his watch, and back to me, shoving his hands in his pockets. "I've got to go. Text me later... Coach isn't going to be happy."

He turns and pads up the stairwell without a second glance.


"No." She says in a monotone voice, not looking up from her nails as she carefully applies another silvery coat. Mom said I wasn't allowed to do my nails in my room anymore, ever since the last time I spilled a bottle all over the floor, but we've basically covered the floor in newspaper in case that happens again.

"Come on!" I plead, flipping through the same issue of Seventeen that I've been reading for the past half hour. "He's hot! Popular! Interested!" I desperately pitch to her. She looks up from her nails to roll her almond shaped eyes at me.

"Yeah, whatever." She mutters, examining her perfectly polished fingertips, the glitter reminding me of the snowflakes falling outside. She screws the cap back onto the bottle, her bronzed cheeks filling with air as she blows on her nails and waves them around in the air.

"You know guys at Crestview are either all complete jerks or not attractive." Autumn has this thing against guys at Crestview; even nice and cute Harley won't cut it for her.

"Can't we just talk about how hot Brad Pitt is and carry on with the day?" She asks, pouting her glossed lips and flicking her shiny dark hair over her shoulder. Great. The only person my best friend has eyes for is Brad Pitt - a married actor.

"Yeah, I guess. break out the pop music and snacks." I give in, sighing as I grab a bag of chips from my snack box, mucnhing on them absentmindedly as I plot more ways to get them together.


I spot Levi sitting under a tree, softly strumming his bass. After trying fruitlessly to get Autumn to show some sort of interest in Levi, he texted me and told me to meet him at the park. Even though there's eight parks in Lake Worth, I still knew he meant this one. Why? Well, being the sentimental person he is, he sent me this:

Message From: (Unknown) 888-9636
meet me at the park. the one where you smashed your face in shit. I'll be near the slides.


I walk towards the tree, thinking of great combacks to his text. But as I approach, the sounds of the bass stop abruptly. I cock my head towards the tree, as he was almost finished the song - one of his originals; Mr. Todd plays them for us sometimes, much to Levi's embarrassment. I wonder why he didn't bother to finish it.

"Levi, please." A feminine voice whines, and I raise an eyebrow, pausing a few steps from the tree. Should I leave? I mean, I'm probably intruding on something.

Tough luck for him.

I station myself on the opposite side of the tree, pressing my back against the rough wood, brushing my hair behind my ear to be able to hear better. The wind makes my eyes dry and I fight the urge to sneeze - stupid me, leaving my coat open - but if I zip it up, they'll be able to hear.

"No, you have to go!" Levi's voice rings out, steely and harsh. What's gotten his panties in a twist? I wonder, as I begin leaning forwards to see who the mystery girl is, his eyes dart around to where I'm standing and I whip myself back, my heart racing.

"Why?" The girl asks, and I can basically see her pouty face. Sounds like the clingy popular type that Levi attracts like bees to honey.

"Because I've got... someone to meet. Now go." He replies, his tone annoyed.


I roll my eyes at the insane clinginess of this girl. She's not even his girlfriend - well, at least I don't think she is. Levi doesn't have a girlfriend, although a lot of girls want to date him. I think about it for a moment, and frown.

I can't remember the last time he did have a girlfriend, or even go on a date.

"No one important. I'll text you later babe." He says, and I guess the girl gave up, because I hear some disgusting kissing noises, and some ruffling in the needles of the pine tree as she gets up. I lean over to get a look, but she darts away, and all I can catch are her light-washed jeans, purple and white hoodie, and her blue Hunter boots.

I frown at the sight, still trying to decipher who the girl was, before I hear something that scares the hell out of me.

"How long have you been behind the tree?"


A/N: Finally finished this chapter of Match Me! :D Thanks for waiting... It's nearly been a month! :O Updates should be coming quicker - I've got lots of inspiration for Match Me. I'm sorry it was so short, I just wanted to end it here.

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