Meliodas Caught

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I have read and am up to date on the manga and if you aren't, there may be spoilers. You have been warned :)


**Elizabeth's POV**

Diane and I were sitting near a river together, she was in her small human form. The sun was beating hard and we weren't sure what to talk about, so I brought up her favorite subject.

"Dianeeeeeee!" I said rather loud for the quiet setting we were in.

"Elizabeth? Why are you talking so loud?" Diane asked staring at me.

Man, you'd think I have killed someone with the looks she was giving me!

"Oh sorry," I giggled, "I was just thinking, what do you think Kingggg is up to?" She knows I love teasing her about him because she won't tell him how she remembers who he is and how she still loves him.

She blushed at the mention of King's name. "Oh I don't know, he probably yelling at Ban for something." She said avoiding eye contact with me.

"You're probably right to be honest," I start laughing uncontrollably, "I can imagine it now, Ban sitting around provoking King in some way and his face getting all red and getting that stupid look on his face that he gets when he's mad."

"His face is never stupid!" Diane blurted out, blushing as she realized what she said. "Let's stop guessing and go find King and your future husband."

This time it was my turn to blush, Payback sucks. Maybe I should be nicer to her about her liking King so she won't bother me about Meliodas.

"Okay let's go back to the Boar Hat." I say enthusiastically already running back towards the bar.

~~ Time Skip ~~

**Meliodas' POV**

King, Ban, Merlin, Gowther and I have been working at the bar today. We decided to give Diane and Elizabeth a day off, we didn't tell them that we were going to open today though since they said they were going to go into the forest.

We were stopped outside of Liones for the time being since Elizabeth said she was feeling home-sick. We had a lot of regulars from the town, especially Holy Knights. Today we had Gilthunder drinking all our beer, Howser was eating all the food, that surprised me because this morning I decided to make a bunch of food and mix it in with the food Ban made, and Griamore was hitting on chicks, I would hate to see what he will look like if Princess Veronica were to see him right now. We also had our favorite Liones girls here, Jericho and Guila.

Elizabeth has been with us for nearly a year now, and I thought she really loved me for a while but lately shes been distant and hanging around with just Diane. King noticed it too, we talked about it the other day. So I have decided to take my chances with another lovely lady that I have grown close to over the last few months, Guila.

"So Guila, are you going to become a regular now that we're staying near Liones for the next few months?" I asked getting rather close to her face.

"Oh Meliodas, I figured I would come every now and then to make sure the Princess is doing alright." She's blushing! Is it because I'm close or because she likes me? Do I even like her? I know I love Elizabeth more than anything but it seems she doesn't care anymore. I'm going for it!

"I hope you do because your face really livens this place up." I said smirking. Just then I heard someone gasping from behind me. I turn my eyes and see Elizabeth and Diane staring at me as I'm inches away from Guilas face.

I stand up and walk over to the girls. "Yo Elizabeth!" I say trying to look chipper, "Hello Diane. I thought you two were going to be gone all day?"

"We got curious as to what you and King were doing but I see you have the bar open and don't need us right now." Elizabeth spoke softly explaining to me why they were back so early. Her eyes look watery but I can't tell. "We will be leaving now." She grabs Diane's arm and starts running away.


OOOOOO Meliodas has been stupid and careless. What will happen next?! Also, sorry its so short. I am going to do Diane and Kings side next chapter! I hope you enjoy so far!

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