Spoken Secrets

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**Meliodas' POV**

Everything going on around me is pissing me off. I couldn't even open the bar today.

"Yo Cap't!" Ban said casually, "Do you think the Princess is going to come back? What's stopping her from just going back to the castle?"

I gave him a death glare. "Do you really think she hates me that much?" My rage subsided slightly.

"I don't know Cap't. Do you?" He said just before he walked away.

I truly believe she'll come back, even if it's just to say goodbye to the other sins. I need to find a way to show her that she really is the only girl for me.

~~Time Skip~~

If the girls were coming back, they should be here by now. I hope the plan Merlin, King and I came up with works.

I looked around at the scene in front of me. I set up many lanterns on a table and had Ban create Elizabeth's favorite food for us tonight. I also went out with King and picked the girls' favorite flowers and I placed them in a cup for her.

King is waiting outside to take Diane on a nice walk and will be sending Elizabeth inside. I convinced the other sins to either stay upstairs or to go to town until morning.

As I'm taking in the scenery, I hear the front door open.

"Sir Meliodas...." I hear the voice of the most wonderful woman.

"Elizabeth, I'm glad you came back. I want to talk to you." I say looking at her with a spark of determination. To my surprise she gives me her world famous smile.

"I want to talk to you too..." She says blushing.

"Please sit, I had Ban make your favorite meal for tonight since yesterday was so rough for you." I pulled a chair out for her and pushed her chair in once she sat down.

"I wanted to apologize for my behavior yesterday. I made a horrible decision and I ended up hurting you." I say while I am sitting in the seat across from her.

"It's quite alright Sir Meliodas. I need to tell you something though." She says looking down while blushing bright red. "Sir Meliodas... I love you..."

I stare at her in disbelief. She just said the three words I've been waiting for since I first met her. "I love you too Elizabeth."

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