Comfort of a Friend- Chapter 8

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Nathan's POV

I hear a knock at the door, I opened it and it was Kelley's parents.

"Hi Mr. and Mrs. Rhodes how are you guys?"

"We're just fine." His mom says "where's our son?"

"He's in our room and I didn't tell him you guys were coming so he should be surprised." I say with a big smile.

I'm sorry but Kelley's parents are so uptight and have such a mean demeanor. You can't even joke with them they'll just look at you with a deadly straight face and keep moving. And who knows what they say behind our backs.

"Where is you guys'  room at exactly?" Mr. Rhodes says as he cocks an eyebrow up

"Follow me." I say

I lead them upstairs and point them go our closed room door, they walk up to the door look at each other and open the door and Mrs. Rhodes screams


I run to the door and see Kelley.

"Mom what are you doing here!?" He exclaimed.

"Ohhh no" I think to myself. They caught him in the act, I felt so bad for him. That had to be the most embarrassing moment of his life and I kind of feel responsible for it. But, they're the ones that didn't knock right. A lot of stuff was going on in my head.

Kelley's POV

Oh my god, what the hell just happened? Did my parents just walk in on me having sex? With another guy!?

"Mom dad I'm sorry-" Dad slams the door and I can hear my mom crying as they walk off.

"Are you okay?" Derrick says.

"Obviously not." I put some clothes on and walk out.

"I'm sorry." He says

I walk out and I see Nathan sitting in a chair with a guilty look on his face.

"Nathan, please tell me you did not invite them here."

"I didn't, they called me and told me they were coming over I couldn't stop them."

I let out a sigh and go back to my room, when I walked in there I could see Derrick putting on his shoes.

"I'm sorry this happened this way, I'm not even supposed to be here actually."

"No, I gotta go. See you later." He walked out.

I follow him and as he walked out the door I could hear my parents in the kitchen talking quietly amongst themselves.

"I can't believe he would do that knowing that it's a sin, have we not taught him anything!?" My mom cried

"The good Lord said train a child in they way they should go and they will never part from it. We just have to keep praying harder and harder for him, it's obvious to see that the devil is taking control of his life." My dad says as he hugs my mom.

"Are you guys kidding me!?" I say angrily.

"Young man, you don't have anything to say to us right now!" Dad screamed.

"What is so wrong about me living my life!?"

I can hear Nathan come down the stairs.

"You are living in sin and after what we just saw, you need to fall on your face and ask for forgiveness." Dad says.

"I am happy just the way I am what is wrong with that!?"

"It's not normal you shouldn't be doing that to yourself." My mom cried.

"Oh come on, it's not even that deep. I know you guys do it." Nathan says holding my shoulders

"This does not concern you!" My dad screams

There is a 5 second silence.

"You just want me to be normal? You don't care..." I take a deep breath. "You don't care if I'm happy, you just want me to be normal."

"We do care if you're happy we just want you in the right path." My dad says.

"Get out." I say calmly

They stand there with that stupid look they always have.

"GET OUT!" I screamed.

"We'll leave, but remember who's paying for your books." My dad finishes they brush past me and leave.

I run upstairs but Nathan catches me.

"Kelley, you can't keep bottling up this emotion. You got to let it out some time."

I look at Nathan and start to cry, he brings me closer and kisses my forehead. I let every ounce of pain that I'm feeling out on Nathan's t-shirt. He comforts me with "it's okays" and "everything will be alrights." He continued to rub my back as I cried. When we moved to the couch, I was done crying but still shaking and Nathan held me the whole way through. As I started to doze off, I could feel Nathan pick me up and take me to our room. He laid me on my bed and got behind me. He wrapped his arm around me and told me to go to sleep. I did so and let all of the pain drift away.

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