Too Much?-Chapter 6

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Nathan's POV

It's been two months and I'm just now able to walk with out a cane or a walker. While I was gone it looks like Kelley brightened the room up we got new everything except beds but we did get new covers. One of my friends invited me to a welcome party and I wanted Kelley to come with me.

"Aye, you wanna go to this party with me?"

"Sure why not, where is it?" I ask

"It's at one of the frat houses."

"Oh okay."

I mean what's better than going to a frat party with shirtless guys walking around getting drunk and girls walking around with their tits trying to get laid by the next jock. I love it! Plus it will give Kelley a better chance to meet someone and stop popping those damn pills all the time. Those pills are like molly, he pops one and starts acting retarded. Those pills have been causing him to act weird lately.

Kelley's POV

Great, now I have to go to this party of which I do not want to attend. I don't want to see all the sluts that come to parties just to get drunk or laid. Really I just wanna chill today. Watch some Netflix get a boat load of snacks, oh my God that would be great. But no I have to go to a frat party and watch my back for who ever gets a little too hansy.


Nathan is sitting in his room on his phone and I just got finished getting dressed.

"Um, are we gonna go to the party soon?"

"I was planning to go at like 12 that's when it gets fun." He says

Just great, now I have to go when the real whores and slut bags come out. None of this is working in my favor.


Nathan starts waking me up from my little cat nap and we head out. When we get there there are already 2 people passed out on the front lawn, 20 people talking outside, lights flashing inside, music bumping and red cups scattered all over the place.

"Now you're gonna have to stay close to me tonight cause this is a mystic party which means fog is everywhere around the house." Nathan says as we approach the front door.

"What the hell is a mystic party who came up with this shit?" I say

"Don't worry it'll be fun." He says

We walk in and the music is so loud I could feel the bass under my feet. To my left I could see people playing beer pong on the ping-pong table,and To my right there is a door leading to the basement and from there I hear moans and screams of pleasure.

"Are they having sex down there?" I ask clinging on to Nathan's arm.

"You don't even want to know what they're doing down there." He chuckles

My favorite song comes on and I lead Nathan to the dance floor.

"I'm not that good of a dancer." Nathan says awkwardly.

"It's okay, I got you." I say as I grab his arms and put them around my waist and start dancing.

Nathan's POV

I'm glad I had this time with Kelley it's been cool. We were dancing for so long and it was fun seeing him dance and him trying to teach me how to dance.

"You wanna go sit down." Kelley yells in my ear.

"Sure." I say

We go to a couch and on our way I grabbed some cups.

"I brought my own drink because you cant trust the stuff here." I say as I pour Kelley's drink.

"Why not?." He says. I look at him hoping that wasn't a serious question, but it was.

"It's a mystic party they probably put all kinds of shit into the drinks."

"Ohh okay." He says. I seen him slip a pill under his tongue and drink.

"Yo what the fuck is you doing?" I ask

"Chill, I took one of my pills so I wont get a migraine after this." He says

I had to go use the bathroom so I told him I would be right back.

Kelley's POV

I sit and wait on the couch as Nathan goes to the bathroom and guess who walks in.

"Kelley? What are you doing here?" Derrick smiles

"My friend dragged me here, what are you doing here?" I ask

"I'm just here to check out the scene." He says causally.

"Wanna dance?"

"Sure." He says. We walk to the dance floor and he starts dancing and it was low key kinda hot. All of a sudden some tall lightskinned guy comes to me and says,

"Damn bae you can move how about you come do that for a real nigga."

It was at that moment I had a flash back to my cousin.

"Are you serious, can't you see I'm with someone!?

He laughs "I don't see nobody." He laughed again and looked at his friends in a cocky way.

"Aye bitch, get the fuck out of here with that bullshit." Derrick says as he walks toward him.

"Derrick no." I say

"Bitch? I ain't no bitch mothafucka you better watch who the fuck you talkin to before I show you how to get black mothafucka." He yells

"Yeah okay." Derrick punched him right in his nose and got on top of him and starting punching him left and right.

"DERRICK STOP!" I cry but he still is sending blows right to his face.

"Fuck was all that shit you was talking?" Derrick says as he gets up and starts stomping him.

"DERRICK PLEASE JUST COME ON!" I say as I start pulling him.

He finally gave up and went outside with me so I could calm him down.

"Derrick what is the matter with you." I say wiping tears off my face

"Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" Derrick says as he's examining my face.

"I'm okay!" I push him off

"Come on don't cry, I was just protecting you." He starts hugging me

"I just don't like violence."

Nathan's POV

"Have you seen Kelley!?" I say as I start to panic I can't believe I lost him and this would be the worst place to loose someone who doesn't know what they're doing.

I head to the basement hoping that he's not down here but at the same time I would be relieved because I don't want anything to happen to him.

"Kelley" I yell over the moans.

I look over and see someone tied up being spanked and violated. I don't see how people can do that. I continue searching I found no luck. I start to break down and run upstairs. I look around realizing there's no hope so I just head home.

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