Black Equations fan fiction contest

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"Why are you defending yourself? Fight me, brother. Fight me! Didn't you want me to start over? Why won't you let me? You just need to die. Just die, Ivan, and I'll be able to start my life anew."

Mikhaela's words had hurt Ivan more than anything ever could; more than any gift. Even 06's flames - which the Russian had accidentally set off - were nothing compared to the words of his twin. The same twin he had given up his freedom and clean conscience for, was telling him that she had wanted him dead. 

Ivan knew he couldn't simply keep blocking off his sister's attacks, and that he needed to start attacking back as well. However much he tried though, he couldn't bring himself to do anything else to the girl he had called his sister. 

"Damned it, Ivan! Fight!"

He moved his head an inch, barely avoiding a knife aimed for his face. He made the mistake of looking into her eyes once again. There no longer was the life and happiness that they usually had. Now, they reminded him of the eyes of the other equations: cold, heartless, and dead. 

His sister was dead; long gone. In replacement, was a woman who only had a mission fixed in her head. A woman who had felt nothing, who's conscience had died the moment she felt that her brother had abandoned her once the filthy bastards of the militia had come back for her. 

Ivan couldn't help but to blame himself bitterly. It was all his fault, just watching as they took his beloved sister away. He should have done something; anything. He should have showed them his own gift as well. He should have shown them what he had was similar to his sister's, maybe exchanged his sister's freedom with his. 

Or maybe she should have taken her back in, get her to rest. He surely could have provided her weak and frail self with his protection. She could have taken the night to rest, something she surely wasn't privileged with while in captive. 

His sister had trusted that he would come back for her, and yet he didn't. Those filthy bastards had gotten her first. He should have searched harder; drain Creed's resources if he had to. He should have went to rescue her. Then he could carry out his mission of wiping out the evil of the world. Get rid of each and every one of the people who had abused his sister. 

Looking into his sister's eyes now, they no longer had the hope that they used to when they were going to run away. No. Ivan couldn't accept the truth. He ignored it, but it did him no good. Because no matter how much he denied it; Mikhaela Illynsky was long gone. Now, she was a cold hearted killer, just like him. 

Mikhaela kicked him in the stomach, which he didn't even bother blocking. He looked at the girl one last time, before making up his mind. 

When he saw his opening, he dove straight towards the girl, and had her pinned onto the floor. She struggled, but he didn't let go. Using his gift, he got one of the knives flying in his direction, which he caught with ease, hardly looking at the weapon in his hand. He aimed the knife towards Mikhaela's heart. Then, he made the mistake of looking into her eyes, where the familiarity of them sent him into his childhood memories. 

Him and his sister playing. Him and his sister laughing. Him and his sister chasing each other. In those familiar eyes, he had spent so much time with their owner. It was only him and his sister. 

Going against the no feeling anything law of Creed, he felt. His emotions came pouring in endlessly. It was his sister. Even if the person inside wasn't, it was still Mikhaela's body. He remembered seeing her bruised body, and immediately hating the person who did it to her. He would never be able to hurt his sister would he? 

He never got to make the decision. Mikhaela saw the hesitation in Ivan, and managed to kick him in the eye. He was immediately thrown across the room. He groaned in pain. With his good eye, he saw Mikhaela draw closer to him with a knife. So this is how I'm going to die he thought. Killed by my own blood

But as she approached, she looked at him in the eyes, and then something in her had shifted. She remembered him. She remembered everything before they were separated. She remembered. Her eyes softened and Ivan could no longer see the cold and hard eyes. They changed. 

"Brother, I- I'm sorry!"

She then took off running, leaving Ivan confused and lying on the floor. Then he realised what she did. Although she couldn't bring herself to kill him, she could kill 06 or Selena. And knowing that Hanade, or 06, would do anything to protect the girl, he swore, realising that his sister would die, even if not by his hand. He tried the earpiece, but them realised that his gift must have damaged it. 

He cursed in Russian and crushed the earpiece in his hand, chasing after his sister. 


Once again, he was too late. He could only watch as 01 killed his sister. Horrified that she only had an arm left, as he ran to her, he realised that 01's wires had also trapped her. He could only watch as she collapsed to the ground. He sprinted towards her. He was already crying. 


She managed a weak smile at him. "Ivan."

"I'm so sorry, Mikhaela! I should have stopped you sooner," he sobbed, holding the hand that she had left. 

"I'm sorry too, Ivan."

With those words, she had taken her final breath. Ivan picked up his dead and bloody sister from the floor and hugged her as tightly as he could while crying over her. 

Damn you, Falcon for dragging her into this. Damn you. 


So this is my fanfic for the BE fanfic contest by @natsuriayuko :D. 

This is from her first book, the forgotten ones, which you all should read before it gets published. :D 

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