Entry #2: game of trade

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So I figured I'd do the introduction in the beginning for this one. So, while reading, I realised that Ivan had a wife or a girlfriend or something like that. So, I decided to write about how they met! :D

I'm not too sure about most of the things that I had written, so let's just say it's part of my imagination. :D


Ivan Illynsky was on a mission. He was to ensure that a chip owned by a private Russian company was to be taken and then destroyed, for its contents were too dangerous should they be used.

Turning on his gift, he was able to locate where the people all were. So far, there was no one at anywhere of importance. 

He strolled in through, even whistling in the process grinning at the ease of the mission the Master had given him. Messing around with the security systems and then changing the passwords just for the hell of it, he entered the room, using his gift to mess with the cameras as well.

He glanced at his watch. If he hurried, he would still have enough time to get in to one of Russia's finest restaurants and enjoy a meal.

He grinned, quickening his pace to the glass box, where the chip was. Too easy.

He broke the box, but triggered no alarm. He picked up the chip from where it was. 

"Who are you and what do you want with that chip?" A thick Russian voice asked from behind. Turning around, he saw a young woman around his age. She had thick black curls and eyelashes just as thick. Her presence should have surprised a normal man, but it didn't faze Ivan. 

He grinned at her. Her leather body suit gave away that she worked for the Russian intelligence, one of the standard issue ones. She narrowed her eyes at him. "I want to destroy it," he simply said. 

"I won't allow it." 

His grin grew even wider. He mocked the agent by squeezing it between his fingers. They both knew that with the correct amount of force, he could have very easily broken it. 

"Don't! Give that to me!" She snapped, lunging towards him in an effort to get the chip from him. He moved out of her reach, still holding the chip out to her, mocking her. 

"Don't give it to you? Is that what you said?" 

The agent glared at him and then continued trying to attack him without harming the chip at the same time. She was failing badly. "Give the chip to me!" She screamed, frustrated at the blonde who seemed to be one step ahead of her in every attack she attempted. 

Ivan grinned at her, enjoying riling her up. "Who are you?" He asked her, wanting to at least know her name. She was quite beautiful, living up to Ivan's standards. 

"My name does not matter. What matters is that you return the chip to me!" 

He tutted at her. "It was never yours to begin with."

Her temper flared as she pounced on him, taking Ivan off-guard. Still, his hold on the computer chip was strong and the woman couldn't get to it. "Tell you what," Ivan bargained. "I'll give the chip to you if you go out on a date with me."

Thinking it was too easy, the agent narrowed her eyes at him. "What's the catch?" She asked, immediately suspicious. Ivan simply gave her a boyish smile. She rolled her eyes. 

"You have a deal."

"So, agent, what's your name?" The woman purred as she put her arm through Ivan's. 

"How do you know I'm an agent?" 

She rolled her eyes. "Please, I am a professional agent. I know an agent when I see one, even if not from my agency." 

Ivan grinned at her. "Fine then. I'm Alexsey. And who are you?" He told her, knowing she would eventually find out his real name. 

Ivan really didn't need to ask. He knew who she was, and he knew that she would be sent to collect the chip for the Russian government. He had hacked into the government computers earlier to check into any of the missions on the particular chip. He found it amusing how every mission was documented. "Victoria," she told him. He smiled inwardly, seeing through her lie. 

"Are you really going out in that?" He asked, indicating the suit that was only used by agents. Surely not date material. Ivan wasn't about to complain though. The agent looked good in that, and he didn't mind. 

She smiled at him silently, and then zipped off the suit, revealing a red dress beneath. How she had managed the suit over the dress, only she knew. Ivan let out a low whistle and then brought her to one of his favourite restaurants in Moscow. 

They settled at the table, where he ordered food for the both of them. "You are paying," she stated.

"I am paying."

She gave him a close-lipped smile and then leaned closer to him. "Which agency do you come from?" She asked, her menacing eyes piercing straight into his. 

He was unfazed by her aggression. He simply smiled at her. "Wine?" The waiter asked. 

"Two please."

Ivan took a sip from his glass after the waiter left, looking at Victoria at the same time. She was indeed, a creature of fine beauty. "I'm not telling you." 

She took a sip of her wine and then looked back at him. Her blonde counterpart was infuriating, but there was something about him that made her curious. For one thing, she knew his name was not really Alexsey. Every good agent knew never to give away their real names. 

"After this, you promise you will give me the chip, yes?"

"Not if you take it first, but yes, I will give it." 


They ate in silence, secretly stealing glances at the other. Both of them were aware of it of course, but they said nothing, neither wanting to be hypocrites. 

After Ivan paid for their rather expensive meal, they both walked out together. "Victoria, you are beautiful," he told her. 

She smiled at him cheekily. "I know I am."

"Let's go somewhere else more private."

They did. Ivan took her to the hotel which he had booked for his stay in Russia. Inside, he pressed his lips towards hers, his hands already tangled with the mass of dark curls. Her hands moved around his body, feeling every pocket and space of him. She eventually found the chip and then slowly took it away from him. 

He knew. 

She knew he knew. 

He knew she knew he knew. 

But it didn't matter. 


The next morning, Victoria left played around with the chip victoriously. Not only had she gotten a Russian gentleman to treat her to dinner, but for the short while that she was with him, she had fun. She liked the man who called himself Alexsey, although she would never bring herself to say it. 

As she slid the chip into the computer, instead of the code all written out to be decoded by one of the decoders later on in the headquarters, nothing but grey static filled her computer screen. She cursed fluidly in Russian as she realised that the man had managed to destroy the chip's programming without her knowledge. Frustrated, she turned away from the computer screen, only to look out of the window and see the blonde winking at her and then disappearing. 

She continued to curse as she ejected the chip and then destroyed it with her fingers.


Ivan waited outside the Kremlin, where he knew the woman worked. He knew that soon she would realise that he had already destroyed the chip's wiring, even if she didn't know that he had a gift. And he knew that once she could leave the office, she would come and find him. 

So he let her. 

"Ivan Illynsky, I do not find what you did with the chip very funny."

"But I did, darling Anastasia," he replied. "Let's go out to get something to eat. I'm starving waiting for you to come!" 

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