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y/n was awoken by her cellphone ringing at 4 am. she looked at the caller's name and it was b/f/n's name on the screen. she sat up and answered it with a annoyed face.

" what? it's four in the morning. "

" hey! wait have you forgotten? at 6 we are gonna meet here. " she looked at her phone and looked at her clock.

' what the hell? '

" it's four am only. i have alot of hours to prepare everything,b/f/n. "

" i can already feel that you are late. please prepare now. "

" are you serious? i was gonna wake up at 5. aren't you alittle excited? "

" maybe~ have to be the first cus i'm the captain. p/n is already here so~ "

" i'll be there at 6. "

" 5! 6 is way too late. "

" ...fine. i'll prepare in a few min. " 

" sure~ see you! " she ended the call and petted her cat who was on her lap. she remembered that boys will be there too in the camp. it will be hard for her to play since she's only comfortable with girls playing and watching. she sighed and got up from her bed. 

" what to pack..." she asked herself while getting her sports bag from the side of her bed. 

" water,lunch,ds,charger, and earphones...what else...extra shirts..." she started packing what she needed and started to prepare her lunch and breakfast. 

" zzzt. zzzt. " she looked at her phone and saw 2 messages from her b/f/n. she looked at the clock and it was 5:05 am. 


B/F/N:  hey! the others are here! waiting for you and p/n! 5:05 am 

Y/N:  i'm eating rn. i'll be there at  5:30 or so.

B/F/N:  yeah yeah! the guys are here too! even your lover.

Y/N:  lover? who? what...

B/F/N:  psh. the pudding head.

Y/N:  he isnt my lover...stop shipping us.

B/F/N:  nawh. i ship you two rly hard.

Y/N:  shuttap. i'm almost done. 

B/F/N send 1 photo. open?

B/F/N:  lookie here! took a selfie with him! 

Y/N:  T_T

B/F/N:  dont worry i said that you want 1 2

Y/N:  no :/

B/F/N:  aw blushie blushie  u //v //u)  

read at  5:10 am

B/F/N: omg hahahaha! okay okay ill stop! c: cus ily

Y/N:  yeah or i'll be really late cos of you. 

she putted her phone down on the dining table and got ready to take a bath and change into her pe uniform. she fed her cat and got her bag. it's exact 5:20. she ran to the train station and it was crowded. she couldn't fit and alot were crushing her. 

' is it rush hour already? it's literally packed in here.'  she closed her eyes and hoped for the best. she looked at her wristwatch and it was 5:30 already. she knew she was gonna be late. she felt her phone vibrating and she knew it was b/f/n spamming her with messages and pictures. she wasn't ready for today and she feels like her stomach is spinning.

finally her stop is there and she quickly ran out. she ran and ran until she got her school's entrance. she saw b/f/n talking with the captain to the boy's volleyball. b/f/n instantly saw her and waved.

" yahoo! y/n! your right on time! the bus is gonna be here! " 

" yeah. it was packed in the train. i was almost crushed. "

" sucks to be you. i thought something happened cus you weren't replying to my messages. "

" while you were messaging me, i was being crushed by people. "

" aww. poor you~ "

" hmp. i was gonna die. "

" no you weren't! you can literally kick them! "

" no way. " the bus finally arived but there was one problem.

it was only one bus.

" what!? how can we all fit there!? " y/n looked at her furious b/f/n while she argued with the driver and their teacher. it was no use but they were all gonna fit there because the teacher accidentally hired one bus. 

" well. ladies go first then. " kuroo said while giving a smirk to the girl's volleyball team. they all went in and the boys next. luckily,they all fitted and all got a seat. 

" psst. wanna sit next to kenma? "

" what? what did you say? " she took one of her earbuds with an annoyed face. she knew she was gonna be teased by b/f/n because kenma and kuroo were just sitted infront of them.

" i sa- "

" no. please. not here, b/f/n. "

" aw~ y/n's blushing again! "

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