Chapter Nine:

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Cass didn't leave America's side after the incident with the crazed teenager. He 'moved' to the spot with Mexico and America so he would always be in their sight.

America noticed that after Mexico killed the teenager, small families tried to sneak out when everyone else was asleep. He couldn't blame them.

After Mexico's actions, violence became an everyday occurrence. People became overly protective of their goods and themselves. Whenever a stranger came too close, they would attack.

For the first time, America missed Max.

He would give the people someone to come to with a complaint and have him sort it out. America offered to have people come to him, but no one seemed to trust him or Mexico anymore.

It broke his heart, and he could tell Mexico took it personally.

"I killed the kid so he couldn't kill all you, ungrateful asses," he muttered.

America laughed weakly. "They know, they just don't wanna get on your bad side," he offered.

Mexico scoffed. "They're already there if they keep ignoring me!" America had no answer so he just went to get some food for them.

Alberto, Lily's grandfather, looked older every day. His grayish-brown hair had turned white and wrinkles formed around his eyes and mouth. His once rich dark skin was paler and papery thin. People begged him for extra food for their sick children, but he had to make sure there was enough for everyone. Then, when someone died of starvation he would be the first to be blamed.

America and Mexico started taking shifts for him so he could sleep, but it did little to ease his stress. People, especially anxious or bored teenagers, would constantly harass him in the chance of getting food.

Mexico would always defend him, he was his citizen after all. But there was little he could do without getting more nasty looks shot at him. Now, just as Mexico was walking to use the bathroom, someone threw an empty can at him.

It took Cass and America to restrain him.

"Why do you have to be so angry all the time," America asked him through gritted teeth. Mexico scoffed.

"Don't you start. I do what I have to and your idiots can't accept that!" Mexico retorted angrily.

"Hey listen-"

"No, you listen! We need to get outta here," Mexico told him, then returned to his bathroom break fuming. America was shocked.

"We can't just leave," America insisted when he returned.


"These people, they need help."

"They're beyond help, look," Mexico softened, placing his hands on America's shoulders, "This place is covered in disease. What about Cass?" America felt anger flare up in him.

"Don't use him as an excuse!"

"I'm not! Gah, why are you so difficult?" Mexico said, pinching the bridge of his nose.

A silence passed between them.

Finally, Mexico spoke up, "I'm sorry. I wasn't using Cass as an excuse. It just feels like he's the only sane one left here," he apologized.

America couldn't help the laugh that escaped him. "I think that's the fastest we solved a problem," he commented and Mexico swatted at him.

"You know, it doesn't help when you take every opportunity to be yourself," he said.

America smiled innocently. "Adorable?"

"No, an idiot."


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