Chapter Twelve:

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Cass was the last to wake up the next morning.

He felt well rested and had a new sense of energy when he opened his eyes, but his legs were sore and his back aches painfully.

He turned around and heard Alfred and Matthew talking. They were sitting together in a corner, looking very serious.

Cass put his head back down and strained his ears to hear what they were saying.

It was similar to what was discussed the day before when they found Matthew in his grocery store. Things like what was left of the world.

"— I know Gilbert and Ludwig are still kicking, and I think Ivan and his sisters managed to get to safety before thing went to hell," Matthew explained, tracing a line with his finger in the dirty ground.

"So Ivan's okay?" Alfred asked. He looked very stressed, but seemed to unfurl when Matthew nodded.

A silence passed between them and Cass thought they had finished talking when Matthew whispered, "I went out earlier, when you were sleeping to get stuff from another little camp of people."

"Yeah, so?" Alfred asked, looking up.

"I heard one woman talking. She was....upset, and had a Parisian accent," Matthew explained, drawing his legs to his chest, his voice turning to a mumble. Alfred put his hand on his twin's shoulder.

"What's the problem with that?" He asked, a comforting smile on his face.

"I think that France is..."

"Don't finish that sentence, cause I know it won't be true," Alfred interrupted. He sat up straighter and draped his arm around Matthew's neck. Matthew rested his head on Alfred's shoulder and whispered a thank you to him.

"Don't thank me, bro. Francis loves you, and he's probably trying to cross the fuckin' ocean to find you," Alfred promised, ruffling his brother's long dirty hair. Matthew smiled.

"And Arthur's probably with him to find you," Matthew replied. Alfred paused, then grinned.

"Yeah, our family's coming to get us, don't worry."

Cass found himself smiling. He'd always wanted a sibling, but things were hard for mama and he only wanted to make her happy.

Then a surprisingly happy thought fluttered across his brain.

If Alfred and Matthew's family was coming for them, maybe he could still find his own family!

Cass smiled som much his cheeks started to hurt, so he sat up and let out a fake yawn while rubbing his eyes. Alfred smiled.

"Morning, buddy," he greeted, leaving Matthew's side to fuss over the boy.

"Good morning," Cass yawned in reply, a little too loudly.

Matthew shook his head, while smirking and Alfred just ruffled his hair. "It's not polite to listen to other people talk, okay?" He told him. Cass felt his face grow red.

"I'm sorry," he apologized, bowing his head. America laughed softly and continued to smooth his platinum hair.

"It's okay, little guy, just don't do it anymore," he instructed, and Cass nodded.


America and his brother sat together, smiling and sharing jokes as if the world wasn't in hell. Cass laughed with them, though not understanding some of their jokes and humor. At least America hoped he didn't understand.

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