Chapter Fourteen:

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They ran.

They ran so fast that Canada found himself dragging Cass' small body on the debris-covered ground, the boy shrieking in fear at the sudden hissing and groaning sounds coming from the dark damp walls.

Canada fought his automatic urge to apologize to the child and help him up, cleaning him off and bandaging any wounds he may have given him. He knew he couldn't do that. It would benefit his family and Cass in the long run as long as they kept going.

He zig-zagged through rows of empty racks and shelves, his hand shaking on his gun as he fought through crowds of waking zombie-like monsters.

Their calloused, flaky, nauseating skin was sickeningly clear in the dim light of the store, their pasty complexion glowing off the white light of Mexico's flashlight.

Disturbed growls and angry hisses escaped their broken bloodied jaws of black teeth, their mouths looking bloody from their last meal, like a pack of wolves after the hunt.

Wolves however, were far less terrifying.

Canada thought back, amidst his panic for a calming thought. Some statistic or memory to relax his rapidly beating heart. He remembered what an elderly woman told him in his youth about playing with wolves from the forest.

"Matthew, a pup might seem friendly and want to play with you, but her mama's bite could shatter the bones in your arm. She'll drag you away and feed you to your new friend because she thinks you're a danger. Remember always to look at the wolves from far away, don't let the pup or its mama near you, understand?" She admonished him.

Matthew had nodded his head, fidgeting with his hands. The old woman sighed.

"Don't give me that look, dear. I'll get Arthur for you," she said, instantly brightening the young boy. She skittered down the grand hallway and returned a few moments later with a blonde haired Englishman by her side.

He bent down to Matthew's eye level with a smile and said, "Your wish is my command," with a soft laugh, which made it more amazing to Matthew. Arthur never laughed.

"I want a friend who'll always see me!" Said the child, without thinking. Arthur's dark green eyes looked sad for a moment, then brightens with an idea.

He conjured up a glowing stuffed animal from his magic and gave it to the amazed child. He held the fluffy creature in his hands, feeling its soft white fur under his fingers, looking like delicate blades of frosted grass.

"Like him?" Arthur asked, looking proud of his work.

"I love him!" Matthew exclaimed, hugging the stuffed bear close. He removed the bright red ribbon from around his neck and tied it around his new friends. Arthur patted his head lovingly then stood up to leave.

Before he could go, Matthew rushed to his side and threw his arms around the Englishmen's leg, hugging him so he couldn't move.

"Mattie, let me go," Arthur scolded playfully, ruffling the dark blonde hair or the child Canada. He shook his head, smiling with glee.

"How about this," said Arthur, that spark of intelligence returning to his eyes as it always did when he thought of something. "I'll let your new friend talk to you, so I can finish my work, would you like that?"

Matthew nodded enthusiastically as Arthur again brandished his wand, muttering an incantation under his breath.

Suddenly, life appeared in the dark eyes of the bear. It shook its head sleepily, yawning and whispering something about food.

"Hello," Matthew greeted shyly.

"Hello. Who are you?" The bear replied.

"I'm Canada."

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