Chapter Ten:

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(Ayy late update woohoo)

The sun was shining by the time America woke up.

Cass was already sitting up and playing with his bunny. Mexico was snoring happily next to them.

"Morning, buddy," America greeted Cass. The boy turned to him and smiled. He looked well rested, at least.

"Good morning, Alfred," he replied, crawling into America's arms.

They sat in silence for a few minutes, America smoothing his platinum hair.

Finally, America turned to him and whispered that they should probably wake up José. They smiled mischievously at one another then crawled to the sleeping Mexican.

America mouthed, "One, Two, Three" to Cass then they both screamed at the top of their lungs.

Mexico jolted up, hitting his head on the top of the log and causing a shower of black powder to rain down on them.


"José, please, there are children present," America interrupted, laughing a little too hard. Cass was next to him holding his stomach and looking the happiest America had ever seen him.

Mexico continued his string of curses in Spanish and continued to glare at America while they packed their things.

America thought it was amazing that a sense of normality was returning to them, after only one night of travel.

When the smokey blankets were beaten and shaken free of ash, Mexico and America placed them back in their bags. They sat on top of the log for a breakfast of granola bars and half a bottle of water.

The sun was blazing hot and sand and dust started to be kicked up when they finally began walking.

"Make sure your goggles are on tight. I won't have either of you complain about sand in your eye," Mexico told them sternly. America offered him a mock salute, still smiling beneath his mask.

The three set off, Mexico in the lead, America bringing up the rear and Cass walking silently in between them.

Hours passed. Just endless walking across the barren wasteland. Eventually, Cass complained that his legs hurt and his chest was burning again.

America agreed to carry him, despite his own aching legs and heavy backpack.

America took the boy into his arms and lifted him onto his shouders. Cass buried his face into America's overgrown dirty hair and didn't say a word for another hour.

Mexico and America tried to make small talk, but all the walking was difficult enough, it was near torture to add words.

So the trio just continued to walk in ear bleeding silence for what felt like forever until they finally came across an abandoned road.

The black asphalt was pretty much melted into the ground and there was no direction hinting to where it could possibly go. But Mexico suggested they follow it the same direction they were going. Maybe it would lead them to a small town they could gather fresh supplies from?

It was a terrible idea.

America was staring at his feet, trying to keep the blazing sun out of his eyes, Mexico did the same and still tried to look where he was headed. It was good that at least José was paying attention.

Mexico stopped dead in his tracks, America bumping into him and jostling a dozing Cass awake.

"Dude, why'd you stop?" America asked, but Mexico simply held his hand up in a "silence" gesture. America looked up over his head and felt a silent scream resonate through his being. Cass covered his mouth with his hands and buried his face once again into America's hair.

Mexico slowly walked back next to America, not taking his eyes off the sight in front of them.

"What are they?" Mexico whispered to America when they were side by side.

"The infection," America replied in a low voice.

It was a horrific sight. There were creatures. They may have been humans, but they didn't look humane in the slightest. Their skin was sun bleached and near transparent and hung loose on their visible bones. They were covered in blue veins and dark purple bruises that dotted their bodies. Their eyes were bulged and bloodshot, if they were still in their skull. One infection riddled man's jaw hung loose from the rest of his face. Another woman was missing an arm, bright red blood oozed out of it until she finally collapsed. She didn't seem to notice.

They walked aimlessly, like zombies almost. Not a hint of function was visible in their empty sunken faces. Some blood-curling shrieks could be heard before a thumping sound and then silence once more.

They seemed to ignore each other, staying in their own little areas, not paying any mind to the terrified trio.

"Let's just slowly walk away, like we were never here," suggested America, his eyes still clung to the sickening sight.

"I have a better idea," Mexico told him.

"What?" Cass asked, sounding frightful.

Mexico grabbed America's wrist and looked him dead in the eyes. "Let's get the fuck outta here."

They turned on their heels and sprinted as far from the road as they could, as far and fast as their legs would carry them. They didn't stop running until they had no sight whatsoever of the road or the infected people.

They stopped in the middle of no where, panting and wheezing for breath. Cass slid off America's shoulders and gave him and Mexico the rest of his water. They drank without thanking him; their heavy breathing prevented words from being spoken.

The two nations had used all of their strength to get to safety, but they didn't exactly know where "safety" was. Mexico said he had tried to count how many steps it took to get where they were, but claimed he'd lost count after one.

"What....ever......dude," panted America, wiping his damp forehead with his wrist. "And next time....we run for our lives....don't hold my hand...."

Mexico smiled teasingly. "Wouldn't.....dream of it. You sweat a lot. I thought you were in shape," Mexico taunted, also out of breath.

"In case you two haven't noticed, we almost died. Let's not do that anymore," Cass suggested, crossing his arms and holding tight to Khione. America grinned and ruffled his snowy white greasy hair.

"Sure thing, kiddo, lets just rest for a minute," America suggested, taking a seat on the gravelly ground. Cass sat in his lap and Mexico laid on his back across from them.

A half an hour passed before America and Mexico found the strength to move again. They had eaten a larger lunch, a whole large can of chicken noodle soup, and downed their own water bottles.

"You guys can't do this every time we have to run away," Cass commented, capping his own bottle.

"We know, we're just trying to get back in shape," Mexico told him, wiping his mouth and then sprawling out on the ground like a cat with a loud yawn.

"You can't fall asleep, José," America told him, rolling his eyes.

"Why not?" Mexico complained, sitting up again.

"Because we have to get to Mattie, remember?" America replied, giving Mexico a glare.

They stared at each other for a moment, then Mexico sprung up and offered his hand to America. "Time to get to Mathew, right?" He asked, a small smile lighting his grimy face.

America returned the smile and took his hand, Mexico pulling him and Cass up to their feet.

"I can walk," Cass told them triumphantly, and so they began their journey once again, hoping not to die in the process.

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