Chapter 20

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Tuesday had Levi and Eren in Bert's room again. Eren had told Krista and Connie what they needed to work on, and now Eren was recording Levi, Bert, and himself singing. Well, trying.

"City's breaking down on a camel's-"

"TOE!" Levi and Eren's heads snapped to glare at Ymir while Bert just rubbed his face. Eren stopped the recording and stood.

"You had told Krista you had no fucking problem with us working on my project here. So kindly fuck off." Eren growled out.

"I don't have a problem with it. Just the stupid ass song." Ymir said. "Pick a different one." Eren's eyes turned gold.

"Are you fucking kidding me? This far in the fucking game? I've been slaving over this for a fucking week! I can't afford to change it on everyone helping either!" Ymir shrugged.

"Then I'm not gonna stop." She said. Eren growled, but before he snapped and beat the shit out of her, there was a cold voice coming from behind Ymir.

"Ymir, I suggest you stop. I've been working hard on this as well, and don't want Eren to fail. If you fuck this up, I will fuck you up." Krista was standing behind Ymir, arms crossed and usually bright, dancing blue eyes had a chill to them.

"Oh, come on babe. It-"

"No sex."

"What?!" Ymir's eyes widened slightly as Eren and Levi smirked, Bert covering his face again as Reiner sat blissfully unaware in his and Bert's room working on an assignment, through the door was cracked open.

"You fucking heard me." Krista said. "No sex. And, after they leave, you're sleeping on the damn couch until this is over."

"B-But-" Ymir stammered.

"No." Krista's glare sent Eren to Levi's lap to cower slightly. A pissy Krista was not a fun Krista. "I will remind you that I was asked to help Eren, and I said yes. I will do what I can to help him pass this with flying colors. If you ruin this for our friend, you can bet your ass that you will be on the couch for a very long time. I don't need you to get off." Krista said, pulling out one of their many didlos from her desk. "This one." She said, flipping on the switch, causing the dildo to vibrate. "Will do." And Krista turned it back off, putting it back in her desk before Reiner opened the door fully.

"I heard a dildo. I thought I told you to close the damn door when you're having sex Ymir." He said.

"She's not going to get any for a long time." Krista said from her bedroom, turning back to her work. "Now get your ass in here and shut the damn door. If you try anything-" Ymir had shut the door, cutting off the rest of Krista's words. The four males just sat quietly, staring at the door.

"So what happens when you threaten a sex hiatus?" Reiner asked the werewolf/vampire couple.

"We listen because it's only ever because of projects or finals." Eren said, slipping from Levi's lap to the couch.

"I see." Reiner said before shrugging and going back to his room. The three males left in the living area got back to work, leaving as soon as Ymir opened the door to hers and Krista's room, obviously pissed, and kicked Eren and Levi out so she could sleep on the couch.

"I can't believe that blondie kicked her girlfriend out for being a little shit to you." Levi said after he and Eren got to their suite. Eren laughed.

"Oh, Ymir's beginning to get used to it. She doesn't try to piss Krista off, but she does by accident when she's trying to humiliate or irritate others." Eren said as they went into their bedroom, yawning after. "Fuck I'm tired." He said, collapsing on the bed once he was able.

"Then go the fuck to sleep." Levi said. "But fucking change first." Eren groaned, but did what he was asked, changing into a pair of pajama pants and flopping back on the bed, Levi joining soon after. "Night Brat." Eren snuggled into Levi, taking up the little spoon position.

Wednesday morning, Eren met with Connie and Krista again.

"Sorry about Ymir last night." Krista said with a small smile.

"Thanks for stopping her. That had put us behind by a bit. Thursday will be in my room, so you don't have to worry too much." Eren said. Krista nodded.

"So what are we doing today?" Connie asked. Eren looked at his notes, humming slightly.

"We're going to go over the parts we need to work on, and once we're comfortable enough, we'll record the three of us playing together through the whole thing." Eren said, grabbing his bat guitar and adjusting the shoulder strap. Connie followed suit and Krista sat behind the drums. They went over the parts they needed to before fully recording.

"Okay, I think we'll be good for Saturday's recording. If you're feeling insecure about anything, come practice." Eren said. The other two nodded and they headed to their next classes.  

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