"she's...umm.....my girl?!?!"

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"That will do, Anirban." , I told my driver .

I was finally HOME. That is a big relief after this big and INTERESTING day.As i bundle my jacket and walk towards the elevator I cant help but think about the funny woman i met today.

That stumbling , irritating , aplogetic and BEAUTIFUL woman.

Intersting person.And sad too.

I can bet  on the fact that she was upset over a boyfriend or something.

Well the man would be damn stupid to let her go.

I could also bet her heart drove high at our contact.I could feel it. She could too.

It was like I had touched a live wire.


That I know was her physical self that attracted me .She is undoubtedly  beautiful.

She really made my heart race too  BUT  then she is not the only one .Ella  did that to me too .Only I could not bear Ella 's attitude .

Damn it .Stop thinking 'bout girls.

Is not three breakups a year (this year lone )sufficient ??

I unlocked the door and  lazily breezed through the room settling myself on the sofa .

I have made up my mind.

I'm gonna lie down and do nothing.

I sit like that for a soothing hour or so when my phone pings.

It is a remainder from my manager 'bout the last day of shoot tommorow and something finally to cheer about



And not just A party. THE party.

Dabbu's party(he is the most famous celebrity photographer ).

I immediately run for the closet.

The party is in an hour.


"OK NOW ....nOT this ...not this" i say racking my closet looking for a cool outfit.

Who says guys dont have to dress up.

ugh....THIS IS MAD.

I finally find smthing sensible to wear and head for the shower.

It is always nice to shower  and i am enjoying the feel until it strikes me  that i sent anirban home ...

So another complication .I will drive it.COOL

Having a good 30 min headstart i lounge on the sofa for a few more minutes before I make a move.

30 min LATER

I drive through the media who I guess are trying to blind me with all the flashes and stuff.

Someone is trying to take a look into the back seat.


My date. My cat. A lobster??

I have none of these right now.

I want to meet my girl as much as u do.

I make my way out of the car and hand over the keys to the valet.



 I am photographed by a thousand angles indeed and finally LET GO.

I enter the lavish and rocking party with a warm welcome from our hostess who like a true fan asks for an autograph which i give , GRINNING and GLADLY.

I meet all my regular friends from the industry and greet them.

The music is loud and the lights  glaring .PERFECT PARTY BUT NO DATE ....UGH

I settle rather comfortably at the mocktails table and enjoy my Moijto .

It would be fun to dance but I am just not in a dancing mood.

Suddenly Karan approaches me and I greet him.

We begin to talk of stuff and work and is life when I notice a familiar person standing on the dancefloor in a beautifel black dress .

Anushka.Only she is not alone.

Some one has a hand on her waist and they seem like dancing.

I began to notice a little too carefully.DESPITE MY BETTER JUDGEMENT.

I walk till I am near them NOT TOO SPY ON THEM but to say "hi" to my add shoot director who just arrived there.

I wish her and we exchange pleasantries when i glance over and find Anushka moving uncomfortably under the contact of the man's hand at her cheek.

I am well within a earshot and hear their conversation .

"I t is not supposed to be like this."

"I am sorry anushka "

"NO. You are not and even if you are I DON'T CARE"

"Listen I know you are not still over me....You are not with anyone.I am sorry that i cheated on you.It was only a date.I swear....Let it be..Let US be"

"Oh,CUT THE CRAP. NO Ranveer. Stay away.OK. I t does not concern  you whome i date or if i date at all!!

I finally get a sense of stuff.SO. He is Ranveer Singh.


I think to myself and am 'bout to converse with myself more when i notice that Ranveer is drawing towards her with a intimacy which i m sure she does not want.

Before i can get a knack of what i'm doing I approach them .

"Here u r!! Come DANCE Anushka"I tell her half expecting  her to kill me  but she is only amazed .

Then her expression relaxes and she joins the "i'm foolin ya" party straight away.That makes me realize how much she wants to get away from HIM.

"Y es  ...Where have you been?She says and I force myself to NOT laugh at the natural tone of her voice.

EXCELLENT ACTOR , I tell myself

Ranveer , I can say is FAR from surprised.


He stumbles to find words.

"umm...You two .WOW. How did you..?She ...umm.She is your?"

This question ,  takes me aback. 



Now it is my turn to fumble.

I look at her face and can see the begging"plz help  I want to get rid of HIM" look and i give in..

I take a deep breath before saying what i need to.

Please make this ok, good lord. PLEASE.

"SHE'S ...um....she's umm ...MY GIRL"

Oh god virat .



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