Just like you said...

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"Good lord !Is that a goddamn joke ?What do you mean by a change in location?Ah. For the movie. Jamaica!!!"I said shouting frantically over the phone in an attempt to show my manager my frustration.


I am already dead tired from the drama over the past few weeks and now what was supposed to be shot in India is being shot in Jamaica.


"Miss Sharma...you.."

"Anushka."I corrected her .

Why does she do this over and over again.

I hate being called Miss Sharma.When someone does I feel like ripping their heads off.


But then he did that.

He dared to do  that.

He smirked at me.

 That arrogant snob who was teeny weeny bit nice to me during the party.

He literally saved me .I know it would not have been difficult for Ranveer to do anything.He knows me.He has always .

That arrogant snob pretended to be my boyfriend!!

I cannot emphasize how much horrified I was by the idea.

But then I had to play along...

And not just that he really made me nervous ..

How much difference he made to my composure by only and barely touching.

But he did save me.

And it is difficult to disagree with the fact that the physical contact made me tingle.

Let's just say he puts me on fire.

It has been almost two weeks since our shoot ended and I cannot tell if the last day was more uncomfortable than the party. 

And him being "the gentleman" he did not mention the party but it was not at all forgotten.

It was in every look and stance and even the bye.

"I have a feeling we will meet again , Anushka.I'll be around if you try falling down again.just round the corner.Bye"

I  had then laughed at the most interesting farewell  from any man till now but now it seemed as if he had breathed a promise.

Anushka!Stop getting filmy...


2 weeks later

I was standing at the check in with my tickets ready to go.

Jamaica time..!!!

I collected my bag and headed for the departure trying to ignore the curious glances from my fellow Indians.

Please ...Leave me in peace.

The departure area seemed to be unusually crowded.

Hmmm....Must be some team or something going.

I wait for the boarding gate to  open sitting and playing  candy crush.

After a few minutes a really really good looking guy  passes by.

I am all WOAAA......

And the show does not end here.T he parade continued and it seemed like the Mr world pageant was happening.

I got up to take a better look and to the onlookers fix my ponytail .

Hmmm...All with indian jersey's.

Maybe the cricket team I tell myself  and sit down again .

My brain is in an attempt to make a connection whilst i see the airport staff signalling me to join them.


I walk angrily towards the counter mentally cursing them.

What harm can a sun lotion do?I am not intending to use it as a bomb so let it go already.

I am really near the counter when i bump into someone and instead of falling down clung myself to that person...

As I squeak my eyes open I see the 1st person i was expecting there ..

After all that falling and catching who else it could be except Virat.

He is smiling and in a hushed voice almost breaths my name"Anushka..

"We meet again"

I am anything but not surprised and the words come out almost involuntarily ...

"Just like you said.."

"Yes anushka, SEE I was right" he says still looking right into my eyes with his beautiful eyes.

Eyes....ANUSHKA stop drooling

His gaze does not shift and when it does it is on my lips..


Is he thinking of kissing me?!!?


He is going to kiss me!!


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