chapter one

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"No food allowed."

I point over to the no food sign. I'm not one to follow rules but I'm here for a reason and I'm not gonna let my idiotic best friend ruin it for me.

Liam shoves a handful of potato chips in his mouth.

"Don't care," he says. He must think he's some rebel now.

I cringe and walk forward to where a crowd is covering a painting. Liam follows behind, discreetly hiding the bag of potato chips in his tuxedo.

Not so much a rebel.

"This painting was in memory of my family," the painter announces. "It has inspired me to become an artist. Please, let's take a moment of silence to honor them."

Everyone bows their head so I do the same. It was quiet for about ten seconds until a loud crunching sound interrupts the silence.

I glance at Liam who freezes, holding a chip halfway to his mouth before shoving the bag of chips to me and takes three steps to his right with his head bowed down like he didn't just interrupt a moment of silence.

I gape at him, my jaw probably hitting the floor as everyone's head turns to face me. I smile sheepishly and put the bag of chips behind me.

The painter walks over to me, his expression irritated. "Excuse me, ma'am, no food allowed in the art gallery."

Liam covers the no food sign by standing in front of it. I mentally smirk, grateful to have a best friend and partner in crime when I need one.

Even though he got me in this mess.

I look around, mocking innocence. "I don't see any sign," I say.

The painter sighs. "What's your name kid?"

"Taylor Ramirez," I reply proudly, grinning.

"Well, Taylor," he emphasizes. "Please, throw the bag of chips away."

I snort. "I also don't see any trash cans around."

That, and I know Liam would be pissed if I threw his bag of chips away. I can literally feel his warning glare at my way.

The painter snaps his fingers behind me. I turn around and see two security guards coming my way.

"Would you like to be escorted out or carried out?" one of the guards asks.

Liam walks over to us. "We'll walk out." He takes the bag of chips and walks past us. He turns when he doesn't feel my presence behind him. "Are you coming?"

I cough, looking around sheepishly. "Uh, I'd kinda like to be carried out..."

Liam groans in annoyance and grips my wrist, pulling me out of the art gallery. As soon as we hit the night cold air, I remember something.

I stomp my foot. "Damn it! I never got the chance to buy the painting my dad wanted!"

Liam rolls his eyes. "Your father is a billionaire. I'm sure he could get it himself without the help of his seventeen year old daughter."

I glare at him. "It's your fault, you know. You just had to bring food and eat during a moment of silence."

"You didn't feed me before we left," he argues.

I whistle for my limo. Houston Lane, my chauffeur, drives up to us immediately. I like that about Houston, he was like a second father to me. If I wanted to rob a bank, he would wait outside with the engine running, no questions asked.

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