chapter thirteen

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Ashton lights his cigarette beside me. I glare at him but he doesn't seem to notice. I can't really concentrate on catching Pokemon's with him smoking beside me.

I put my phone down and sigh.

He doesn't notice.

I sigh louder to get his attention.

He doesn't look my way.

I sigh mixed with a groan. I sound like a whale giving birth.

Ashton cocks an eyebrow at me. "You okay, sweetheart?"

"No, I'm not," I say flatly.

He nods and continues smoking his cigarette.

"Are you going to ask what's wrong?" I ask bluntly.

Ashton sighs and puts his cigarette down. He turns his body to me and pulls me closer to him by my ankles. He puts both my legs over his lap and rest his hand on my lap while the other is behind me.

"What's wrong, sweetheart?" he asks.

"You're smoking," I say.

Ashton looks as if he can't comprehend what I'm saying.

I sigh. "I don't like the smell and you're bothering me."

"Sorry to annoy you sweetheart, but once I start, I need to finish."

"You can smoke another time," I state, more like demand.

"But I want to smoke now." He grins a little as if he's challenging me.

I take his cigarette and flick it away from us. The fire goes down a little and I turn to Ashton who has a blank expression but I know he's annoyed.

"I don't like what you just did," he says.

I mock surrender. "Ooh, I'm so scared."

He pins me down so I'm laying on my back and he's over me. I don't feel comfortable in this position in the middle of a freaking park where kids and paparazzi are around.

"Listen, sweetheart," he says lowly. "I may not understand the whole feminism thing but I know for a fact, no woman will make me stop smoking or drinking, so I'd really like it if you don't throw my cigarette away ever again."

I stare at him in boredom.

"Are we clear?" he asks.

I shrug and nod my head, just to get him off of me. He pulls me sitting back up and smiles.

"Good. Want some lunch?"


"Know what you're getting yet, sweetheart?" Ashton asks. I could hear some irritation in his voice but at least he's trying to act nice.

I tap my chin. "Hmm, you're paying right?"

Ashton nods.

I put my menu down and take a huge breath. "I'll have a cheeseburger with fries and Coke. Not Pepsi, Coke. Add some barbecue and steak at it, will you? Oh, and for dessert, I'll have your sundae ice cream, and a slice of pie. Can I have nachos as a side dish? Oh, and um, a salad. Wanna stay healthy, am I right?"

I smile innocently.

The waitress looks like her hand's about to fall off. Ashton looks at me with an amused expression.

"Are you sure you can eat that much, sweetheart?" he asks.

I then remember we're using his parents' money, not his.

God damn it! I wanted to make him angry but I'm only making him happier!

I guess I really am the perfect girlfriend.

"I just wanted to waste your money," I say, defeated. "I guess I'll just take it home and feed them to Teddy."

He laughs at me, even wiping a fake tear away. "Sweetheart, you amuse me. All that because I smoked near you?"

"Yes!" I argue. "It's bad and annoying and the smell is downright awful."

"That's cute," he smirks. "You wanna do that thing where couples eat one end of the noodle and kiss?"

I snort. "No."

He frowns. "Why not?"

"Why should we?" I retort.

Ashton leans back and stays silent. He tilts his head as though he's studying me. I focus on playing with the salt.

"Just wanted to taste your lips, you know, like a boyfriend would want."

"You say that like you're my real boyfriend," I say weirdly.

"Well, we have to act like it, sweetheart." He mocks a smile, showing off his dimples.

The waitress comes back with our food. Mine fills up the entire table but Ashton doesn't seem to mind.

I take a bite of my steak. "What did your parents say about me after the dinner?" I ask.

I was truly curious, his parents seemed like assholes. I'm still not over Amanda calling me a whore.

Ashton shrugs. "I don't know. They didn't say anything."

I frown. "Is that a good thing or a bad thing?"

He grins. "Why? Are you worried they don't like you?"

I huff, "Shut up."

"That's the point. They're not suppose to like you, sweetheart."

I stuff a piece of steak in my mouth and chew. "Whatever," I say with a mouth full of food. I stuff some fries after I'm done chewing and add some tomatoes, just to make sure I have some healthy in me.

I feel Ashton rubbing my leg. "Are you playing footsie with me?"


I kick him in the knee, making him groan lowly. "Sorry," I say. "It was accident."

He glares at me and pays for our food. We walk out, hand in hand when a camera flashes in our faces, making me blink repeatedly.

"God damn it," Ashton mutters.

The camera man leaves, nodding in what seemed like satisfaction.

"This is getting really annoying," I mutter. "I never got this much attention being a billionaire's daughter."

"I told you attention would be the least of your problems, sweetheart." He wraps an arm around my shoulder as he walks us to his car.

My phone vibrated in my pocket. Houston texted me.

Your dad wants to spend the day with you.

I frown, confusion written all over my face. My dad wanted to spend time with me? Since when and why?

"What's wrong?" Ashton asks.

"My dad wants to spend the day with me," I mutter.

He chuckles lowly. "Good luck, sweetheart. Don't miss me too much. Oh, and your welcome."

I turn to him with a raised eyebrow.

"That's a good thing, isn't it?" he asked. "Your dad is paying more attention to you since we started dating."

I didn't think about it like that but it made sense. I guess Ashton really knew what he was doing.

God damn him and his charms.

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