chapter two

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"Daddy!" I yell out, running into my humongous house. I take off my high heels and earrings as I run around the house, looking for my dad. "Daddy, daddy, daddy, daddy!" I yell louder.

My little brother, Teddy, runs downstairs, wearing his little tuxedo as always. No one could ever get him to wear anything else, not even shorts.

I'm not complaining, he looks adorable but suits are getting annoying and I don't understand how he doesn't get tired of wearing suits at the age of seven everyday. I think it's just a phase. He started doing it about a month ago.

"Dad's in his study," Teddy informs me.

"Does he not hear me calling him?" I ask as I walk over to the intercom. I press the button that connects me to my dad's study. "Father," I say in an English accent. "I have arrived home and would like your company."

"Give me five minutes," his gruff voice said as he cut me off.

Five minutes is code for later or never in his dictionary.

"You look really pretty today, Tay-Tay!" Teddy chirps.

"Aw, thanks kid!" I ruffle his hair. "Where's mom?" I ask, walking into the kitchen and grabbing a cupcake.

He taps his chin in thought. "Paris."

I choke on my cupcake. "You're lying," I gasp.

Teddy shrugs. "No I'm not."

I storm my way up the stairs, into my dad's study with Teddy following closely behind. I barge into my dad's study and see my mom sitting in front of his desk with a shocked expression.

I turn to Teddy, waiting for an explanation.

He smiles innocently. "I knew dad would be too busy to come downstairs and I knew you were too lazy to go to his office so I lied and now here you are!"

This kid is a fucking genius.

I lift him up and rest him on my hip as I walk over to my dad's desk and sit beside my mom. I kiss her cheek while Teddy kisses her forehead and turn to my dad.

"I didn't get the painting," I say.

He doesn't look up from his paperwork. "Why not? What happened?"

I sigh. "Liam brought food into the art gallery and ate during a moment of silence and blamed it on me when he made noise. Then security came and told us to leave so I told Houston what happened and he said to let you deal with it. Then, when I was playing with a remote, Houston wouldn't tell me what it was for and was driving Liam and I to Mexico!"

I said all of this in one breath. It sounds like I'm snitching.

My parents look at me like I just told them I'm not a virgin. My mom puts her hand on my forehead. "Honey, are you feeling alright?" she asks in concern. Concern I didn't think she had anymore.

Teddy sniffs me. "I think she's sick." He cringes his face and covers his nose with his small hand.

I glare at him. "How do you know I'm sick if you just sniffed me?" I asked. "What are you, a werewolf?"

"Wolverine," he corrects.

"Can you spell Wolverine?" I ask challengingly.

"W ... O ... um ..." he stops and taps his chin.

"Alright, Theodore, that's enough," My dad says. My mom chuckles and pats my hair. "Don't worry about it Taylor, it wasn't important," he says.

I frown in confusion. "Then why did I have to go?"

"To stay proactive and learn the talent of art," my mom cuts in.

"But ... But art is so boring!" I whine. I'm into motorcycles, racing, all things most girls don't like. My parents don't like that. They want me to be formal and elegant. A true woman.

It's like I'm Scout Finch and they're Aunt Alexandra.

"Go to sleep," my mom says softly. "You have school tomorrow."

More like hell, I thought to myself. I kiss my parents on the forehead goodnight and carry Teddy to his room.

"Here you go buddy." I lay him down and begin to tuck him but stop last minute. "Are you sure you want to sleep in your tuxedo?" I ask.

Teddy nods. "I can still look good sleeping and when I wake up! Make mama proud," he grins.

"Well, what happens if it gets wrinkled?" I challenged.

He frowns. "Well ... umm ..."

I fake a sigh. "Then you can't look good or make mama proud ..." I trail off.

Teddy sprints out of bed and runs into his walk in closet. I flop down on his bed and play with my nails as I hear ruffling and hangers screeching against the metal. I get goosebumps from the sound and walk in to see him changing.

"Hey!" he shouts. "I'm naked!"

"I bathed you when you were a kid." I say, bored. "Pretty sure I can handle what you have now."

"Which can be too much for you," he mutters as he gets dressed angrily.

"Buddy, you're going to sleep, you don't need slippers."

"I need them while I'm walking to my bed, duh!" He said as though I should've already known.

I look at the distance between his bed and his closet. I'd say it's about five feet but I'm not good at measuring or math ...

"Whatever buddy, let's go." I carry him up and drop him, making him bounce and tuck him in. I turn off the light and kiss his forehead.

I walk begrudgingly down the marble staircase when I hear the doorbell. Being curious and about two feet away, I answer it to see my parents' nemesis' son, Ashton Marshall.

He was wearing his usual clothes. Black leather jacket, black jeans, black combat boots, and a white t-shirt. His hair was messy but on him it looked good. His eyes were piercing into mine so I stand straighter, on guard in case he tries anything.

"What do you want?" I ask.

He looks me up and down and tilts his head to the side. "We need to talk," he says. His voice was deep and mesmerizing.

I nod and pretend to think. "Hm ... How about no." I slam the door but his foot stepped between it. I poke my head through. "Listen, asshole—" I spat.

He puts up a finger. "Don't wanna wake people up, do we?"

I slap his hand away from my face and push him backwards, making him stumble. I close the door and practically freeze myself out here.

"What do you want to talk about?" I ask.

"I have a proposition," he says.

I snort. "Let's hear it."

"Be my girlfriend," he says.

Before I could say anything, he continues.

"Be my girlfriend and I promise you, you won't regret it."

"And what do I get if I agree to this?" I ask.

He smirks. "Me."

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