Chapter Eight

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-Jenna's Point of view-

So Zach wants to walk to school with me again? Am I really that interesting after one day? Oh well , I don't really know what to think about him yet.

Schools over so I'm on my way home. I didn't have to go straight home, no one was there waiting for me, waiting to ask me how my day at school was or if I had any homework. I thought to myself "should I go home? Or should I, do something"?

I'm just going to go home, I've got nothing better to do. I've got no friends to hang out with, no parties to go to. Besides It was only Wednesday nothing exciting ever happens on Wednesdays.

I've got no homework so when I get home I pop a hot-pocket in the microwave and set it for a couple minutes. When I take it out, it's hot! I kind of toss it in the air, like you do when your playing hot-potato. I set it on the plate and walk up stairs to my bedroom.

I lock my self in my room, and take a seat on my bed. I crank my radio up to 10 and turn on some My Chemical Romance. I finish my hot-pocket and set the plate on my desk. I pull the covers over me and fall into a deep sleep.

I wake up and it's dark outside, how long was I asleep? Moms car was in the drive way, and dads car was in the drive way. Everyone must be home now, I wonder what time it is. I go to check my phone but can't find it, and it's on vibrate -_-

I decide to get out of bed an go down stairs and see what's going on. When I hit the bottom of the stairs I see something red on the kitchen floor tile, I walk to see what it's blood. Not just any blood it's my moms blood! I find my moms dead lifeless body in a puddle of blood next to the fridge, I run over to her, hoping she's not actually dead just hurt. I don't feel a pulse. I scream and scream not knowing what to do, I'm paralyzed with fear and sadness and all these horrible mixed feelings.

I run to the house phone to call 911 and I find my dad dead on the living room couch, I cry and scream out in pain and agony! I finally get the strength to type 9-1-1... "911 what's your emergency?" A Women on the other line says

"My parents are dead! There on the floor in blood, I was sleeping and...and..."

"Calm down I'll be sending someone right away, just make sure to stay on the line with me" she says calmly.

How can I calm down my parents are dead, I fall on the ground and cry and cry and cry. The ambulance, police cars, and firemen show up. They take my parents bodies away in gernies, I don't know what to do!! A women in a police uniform comes over to me

"Hello I'm officer Johnson, and I'm just here to ask you a few questions"

She says in a sweet voice

I stop my sobbing and dry my eyes "okay" I reply

"How did you discover your parents?" She asks. The question totally shakes me, I feel like I cant breathe anymore like someone is sitting on me.

"I was coming out of my room upstairs, and I saw the blood, ran down and saw them" I say shakily, I can barely even get the words out of my mouth.

"Okay and then you called 911?" She asks, wanting more information

"Yes" I say quietly

"Thank you, that will be all for now" she says and walks away, to her squad car and drives away.

The first thing I do is call my grandma and told her the horrible news. I just can't shake the feeling I have, my head is spinning and I'm gasping for air and gasping for the reason this happened to my parents.

As soon as my grandmas finds out the news she rushes over to the house. She runs up to me and gives me a big hug, I just completely loose it, I cry into my grandmas shoulder, and she pats me on the back, saying "it's going to be all right sweet pea, it's going to be all right"

-Zach's Point of view-

I'm scrolling through Facebook and I see <send prayers to Jenna Fayer> . Send prayers? What happened? Is she okay?! I call my mom

"Mom what happened to the Fayer family?" I ask

"Oh you didn't here? The daughter Jenna was walking down the stairs and found her parents dead." She says.

"Oh my god, that's horrible, do they know what happened?" I ask needing to know

"No sorry Zach I've got no clue" she says

"Do you know if the daughter Jenna is alright?!" I ask, crossing my fingers that she is.

"Yes she's physically fine, but mentally, she's a wreck, heard she's going to go live with her grandma" my mom says

"Okay" I reply "Bye mom" I hang up. Oh my god, I feel so bad for Jenna, I could never imagine loosing my parents. I hope she's okay, I won't be seeing her at school tomorrow :'(

-Jenna's Point of view-

It's been a week sense I found my parents dead, I still can't shake the feeling. I'm living with my grandma now, I spend my day bawling in her guest bedroom, it's the only way I know how to deal with this. The doctors also put me on suicide watch, which is a smart move I guess, I don't talk to anyone out of my grandmas house. The only time I come out of her guest bedroom is when I have to go to the bathroom. I haven't eaten and I don't plan on eating.

I keep playing ways in my head that I could have prevented this, maybe if I hadn't gone to sleep and turned my music on, maybe I could have stopped it.

The police believe my parents were murdered, they have leads but they haven't brought anyone in yet. Officer Johnson has come over several times to try to keep me updated and keeps trying to find out more. But I tell her the same story each time. I try and take my mind of things, but the harder I try the more I think about it.

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