Chapter 1

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  • Dedicated to Anna Wang

             The train slowly disappeared out of the train station. "I can't wait until next year when I get to go!" said Lily to her mother. After hearing the great stories about Hogwarts from James, Lily couldn't wait until she could go.

            "You should be excited. Hogwarts is the best Witchcraft and Wizardry school." assured Ginny as they left the train station to go home.

      On the train, James, Albus and Rose had a compartment to themselves. "Albus, are you okay? You seem pretty upset." asked Rose to Albus who was curled up in the corner of the compartment next to the window.

            "I don't want to be in Slytherin!" replied Albus.

            "Oh Albus! You won't be in Slytherin. That's rubbish!" said Rose as she continued. "I wouldn't be surprised if I got into Gryffindor, but Ravenclaw would be okay too." Immediately, a boy opened the compartment door.

            "Would you mind?" he asked ushering towards the seats. "All of the others are full."

            "No problem, have a seat" said James and the boy took a seat next to him.

            "I'm Jacob Longbottom. Professor Longbottom's son." said the boy.

            "I'm James Potter and this is my brother Albus and my cousin Rose Weasley." After an awkward silence, two other boys walked into the compartment.

            "I hope you don't mind" said one of the boys as they took a seat. They had pale skin, blue eyes and blonde hair. You could barely tell them apart, other than one boy having longer hair than the other.         "I'm Lorcan Scamander and this is my brother Lysander."

            "I'm Jacob and this is James, Albus and Rose" Jacob said as he went through the names.

            “Are you somehow related to Newt Scamander, author of Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them?” asked Rose. “My parents used those books when they were in Hogwarts. It’s very interesting, seeing that I have read it many times.”

            “He is our grandfather. Pretty neat right?” said Lysander and he continued. "This is our first year. Have you been here before?"

            "This is my second year, Jacob's third and Albus and Rose's first year." said James as the train pulled to a stop at Hogwarts.

      Albus peered through the window and stared at the school standing before him. “Wow!” he thought. “This is huge!” As Albus looked around, he noticed that he was not the only one thinking this. All the other first years on the train had their heads stuck to the window, looking at their new school.

      Suddenly, you could hear a voice in the distance, but it was too quiet to understand what it was saying. As they headed off the train, the voice came louder and more understandable. The voice came from this old man with a very long beard. He must have been twelve feet tall! “Hurry up! Come on now, don’t have all day!” said the man. “First years this way. Follow me!”

            “Hey Hagrid! I have to go to the Great Hall, but I’ll see you there!” said James as he and Jacob headed towards the entrance to Hogwarts where everybody else was going. Somehow, the name Hagrid seemed familiar to Albus. Then he remembered how his dad was telling James that Hagrid was a professor and was a half giant, but was the best professor. I’ll have to introduce myself later. thought Albus as he followed Hagrid and the other first years to the entrance. 

      Suddenly, Hagrid came to a halt and turned around to speak to the students. “Attention, please! Today is the day that you will get sorted into your house. From there on in your years at Hogwarts, you will stay in that house. Now, once we walk through these doors,” Hagrid said pointing to the doors behind him. “I will call each of you to come up and sit at the stool. I will then place the sorting hat on your head, and you will get assigned to your house. Any questions?” Nobody said a word. “Er, okay then!”  Hagrid said and he led them through the doors and into the Great Hall.

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