Chapter 2

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      When Albus woke up the next day, everybody was still fast asleep, except for Matthew who was looking at his school schedule. “What are your classes?” asked Matthew in a hushed voice so he wouldn’t wake the others.

“Well, first I have Transfiguration with Professor Rigs, then Care of Magical Creatures with Hagrid, Charms with Flitwick, and lastly, Potions with Slughorn. How about you?” asked Albus.

“I have Transfiguration and Charms with you. We have a free period after our second class.” replied Matthew.

“Cool. Well see you then. We’ve better get going to breakfast. Let’s wake the others.” said Albus and after everybody was awake and dressed, they headed downstairs to the Great Hall. 

      Back in the girls dormitory, everybody was already up and getting changed when Rose awoke. “Good Morning!” said Josie. Rose, realizing she was still in bed, quickly got dressed and headed downstairs with the rest of the girls.

“How was your first night at Hogwarts?” asked James to Rose and Albus who were walking together.

“Just splendid!” replied Rose. “The other girls are really nice.”

“And you?” said James emphasizing to Albus.

“Er… good. I have some classes with a boy from my dorm.”

      Albus reached the Great Hall and had a seat next to Matthew and Rose, who sat next to Josie. Breakfast was then served and was eaten by the students. “Well, I’m going to class. I have Potions first.” said Rose looking at her schedule. “I don’t want to be late!” and with that she jumped from her seat and skipped out of the Great Hall towards Potions class. 

      After breakfast, Albus headed off towards Transfiguration class. When he arrived, he took a seat next to Matthew. He looked up at the Professor’s desk to find a little bunny. The Professor wasn’t there! Suddenly, Scorpius walked through the door even though the bell already rang. “Phew!” he said as the realized that the teacher wasn’t in the room to see him come late.

“That bunny is cute, don’t you think?” said the girl next to Albus who happened to Josie, Rose’s friend. Albus didn’t even notice she was there. Unexpectedly, the cute little bunny that was sitting on the desk turned into Professor Rigs.

“Malfoy, 10 points from Slytherin for being late.” she said. Malfoy, embarrassed, slunk down in his chair even further.

“Welcome to Transfiguration class!” said the Professor and she started the class.

      After class ended, Albus, surprisingly not failing at the subject like he thought he would, left to go to his next class which was Care of Magical Creatures with Hagrid. Josie, who Albus befriended in Transfiguration, walked with Albus to Hagrid’s hut.

“How was Transfiguration? Potions was very interesting! Professor Slughorn is really nice, other than giving us a two page essay for homework!” said Rose as she approached Albus and Josie.  “I see that you have met Josie” she said looking from Albus to Josie.

“Oh why yes! We sat next to each other in Transfiguration. Not bad at it either!” Josie said and the scurried out of the castle. When they finally reached Hagrids, there were only a few people there. But as minutes ticked by, more students came and by the time the bell rang, everybody was ready for class.

      Hagrid left the class for a second, but then came back with this bird-like creature. “Anybody have any idea what this creature is?” asked Hagrid. Rose’s hand immediately shot in the air and after a nod from Hagrid, Rose began. “That is a Hippogriff, which is very similar to the Griffin. They are easily offended, so never get too close with them without letting them accept you, by bowing.”

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