Chapter 4

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“Hello kids!” Hagrid said to Albus and Rose as they reached him.

“Where were you?” replied Rose breathlessly.

“Let me explain,” he said, but dropped his voice to a whisper “when were alone.” He stood up, placed his recorder on the rock that he was sitting, and led the two of them inside his hut. “Now, you have to promise not to tell anyone about what I am about to tell you. This is top secret and no student should no about this, let alone a first year.” and after a nod of approval from Rose, he continued. “I left because I had to see my brother. In fact, what I really needed to do was bring him here. I had to travel all the way around the world to find him. And believe me it wasn’t that easy. You see, Grawp is a giant, around 16 feet tall, which is fairly small for a giant.”

“16 feet tall! And your telling me that he’s small?” said Albus, practically screaming.

“Yes. Here I’ll show him to you before class begins.” replied Hagrid. “Oh, he’s not as scary as you think. Actually, he liked your mother very much.” he said looking at Rose, who was holding Albus’ arm looking quite scared.

      Hagrid very carefully walked towards the entrance of the Forbidden Forest.

“It’s in the Forbidden Forest? I thought that is prohibited for first years!” asked Rose.

“Not when you’re with me. Now can you please stop complaining.” replied Hagrid.

“Sorry.” said Rose under her breath. They continued to walk through the forest with random sounds of animals that made them jump a foot off the ground. Suddenly, they heard a loud groan that echoed through the whole entire forest.

“What.was.that!” asked Albus with his voice shaking.

“That would be Grawp.” replied Hagrid and this huge giant came out from being a large tree.  

“Hagger!” the giant, who they realized was now Grawp, said. Grawp was tall, but pretty short for a giant. He had black hair, with greenish-yellowish eyes. He somewhat resembled Hagrid, for they had the same physical features. Grawp looked at the other guests with Hagrid, first Albus, and then Rose. When he looked at Rose, he exclaimed, “Hermy!”

“No Grawp, that is not Hermy. That is Rose.” Hagrid told Grawp, but he didn’t seem to care.

“Hermy!” Grawp said. Hagrid looked like he was going to protest, but stopped himself. Hagrid looked for Rose.

“Sorry, but you’ll just be Hermy to Grawp.”

“That’s okay!” Rose said, and after Hagrid made sure that Grawp was safely tied up to a tree, they headed back to Hagrid’s hut.

      Once inside, Albus and Rose sat down on a huge chair that could fit both of them easily.

“I heard that there is a sister stone of the Sorcerer’s Stone?” asked Albus hoping that Hagrid wouldn’t get mad at them again. In the last few months, when Hagrid was gone, both Albus and Rose had done some research and found out about the sister stone of the Sorcerer’s Stone.

“Yes, it is called the Sisterstone.” replied Hagrid, not realizing the important information that he was accidently spilling out to two little first years. “And it just happens to be in the Forbidden Forest.”

“Thanks Hagrid. Well, we’ve better get going to class.” said Albus heading out the forest. They made sure not to ask Hagrid too much because he might have been mad again. While trudging through the branches and trees, they heard a soft ruffle in a nearby bush.

“Hello? Anybody there?” Rose called out and her voice echoed throughout the woods. They searched for the next ten minutes, scared that somebody listened to their conversation with Hagrid. “I guess it was just an animal.” Rose said as she let out a sigh of relief. If somebody heard them, they would get in big trouble.

“I don’t think so.” Albus said.

“What did you see? What was it?” Rose said as she scrambled to try to find what Albus saw.

“It wasn’t an it!” Rose suddenly stopped walking and looked at Albus.

“Then who was it?” she asked.

“Malfoy.” Albus said, his voice shaking in fear.


“Out of any person in the entire school it has to be Malfoy!” Rose said, emphasizing the Malfoy part. Albus and Rose were in the Gryffindor Common Room late one night. After their classes, they decided to meet during the night to talk about Malfoy and the stone.

“He wants the Sisterstone.”

“But we have to get it first.” Rose replied.

“Yes, we do. And tomorrow night, we will leave to go into the Forbidden Forest to find this stone… Before Malfoy does.”

“For all we know, maybe he didn’t even see us. Tomorrow morning, I’ll go to the library to do some research on the Sisterstone, and see if I find anything interesting. Now let’s go to bed before we get caught.” And with that they headed off into their dormitories, each quickly slipping into bed.

            The next morning was like any other morning. Thankfully, they didn’t wake any of their roommates up when falling asleep.

“Where are you going?” Josie asked Rose suspiciously when Rose quickly got dressed and dashed out of the door.

“Um... I’m just going to the library. And it’s very important. I’m sorry but I can’t talk right now. Bye!” and she scurried down the stairs and out towards the library. But Josie quickly got dressed and followed her.

“Whatcha looking for?” asked Josie when she finally reached Rose whose head was buried in a large textbook.

“Josie, this isn’t the time. I’m very busy.” Rose said, frustrated. Why did she have to annoy me now? thought Rose.

“Well, I was just hoping I could help you. If you tell me what you’re looking for, I bet I can find the book. I go her often, so I have read most of the books.” Josie said, not giving up.

“Okay, I’m looking for a stone called…” she said, but then lowered her voice to a whisper. “The Sisterstone.”

“The Sisterstone?” asked Josie in a clear voice so everybody could hear her.

“Shh!!! You have to be quiet. Nobody is supposed to know this. Especially not me.” replied Rose.

“Okay, I bet I can find the book.” and she turned around and scanned each isle. Around five minutes later, she came back with five large books in her tiny arms. “Phew!” she said gasping after putting the books on the table.

“Are you sure about these books?” said Rose uncertainly.

“I’m positive.” Josie replied and she plopped herself in a chair next to Rose and stared at her while Rose read through the books. Each book was long, and boring to read, but Rose was determined to scan each and every page of the books. Finally, in the last book, she found what she was looking for.

“Yes!” Rose gasped. “Thank you so much Josie.” She looked at Josie who had a face of satisfaction. Rose quickly wrote down what was in the book, and ran out of the library towards the Great Hall where she thought Albus would be, for it was lunch time.

“Oh Albus! I found it, I found it!” she said excitedly to Albus who had food stuffed in his mouth. “Just look.”

The Sisterstone is a luck stone. Whoever holds the stone will instantly be lucky. Although, some people become so addicted to the stone that the luck makes the person go crazy. This stone’s sister is the Sorcerer’s Stone.

            Even though the information wasn’t long, it described the stone. “Brilliant Rose!” he said and he grabbed the piece of paper and left the Great Hall. After their boring classes, Rose and Albus talked in the Gryffindor Common Room, making sure nobody else could hear them.

“I think we’re all ready.” Albus told Rose.

 “Okay, if you are sure that you know what you’re doing, let’s go before somebody finds us.”

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