Pianos~ *LIME EXTRA*

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In this oneshot, you discover your crush can play the piano! If he doesn't, just imagine it, otherwise you can skip this oneshot. If you live in an apartment, you now live in a house! Whoop dee doo! There is also (maybe? I don't know if this counts...) a little sexual content. On with da story!
Word count including LIME: 1842

You groan. "Why do we have to do homework?! God dammit, it doesn't help if we don't know what the hell it is!" You threw your arms and attempted to spin around in your chair, but instead you and your chair fell backwards. "Gosh darn it! Not again!" You were about to stand up and fix your chair when you heard several notes play through the air.

"What the?" You said, standing up and walking around to find the source of the elegant music. You ended up walking up to your window. You pushed up your window and heard the music become louder. However, the only thing you could see was your neighbor [C/N]'s house. Just thinking of him makes your heart soar.

"Maybe one of his family members can play the piano...?" You opened the door to your room and walked downstairs, passing your mom.

"Oi, mom! I'm going to visit [C/N], okay?" You shouted and raced out the door.

Your mom shook her head and laughed. "Young love~"

You shoved your hands into the pockets of your jeans and walked down the side walk. "There is a chance that [C/N] can play the piano... he's really interested in Beethoven..." You thought aloud. You laughed and shook your head. "Nah...he's too goofy to be a pianist."

You finally made it to the big house. You can tell t music was coming from there because now the music sounded clearer. Hesitantly, you pulled out of your hands from the pocket of your jeans and knocked on the door. After the second knock, you heard a male voice shout, "I'm coming! I'm coming!"

You once again shoved your hand into the pocket of your jeans and waited.

Finally, the door opened to reveal [C/N]'s father. "Hey, [Y/N]! What can I do for you?" He leaned on the door way.

"I would like to see [C/N], please."

[C/N]'s father laughed. "Of course! He's upstairs in his room, but he's a little busy. You can still visit him, though. Anyways, umm, have fun, and me and my wife will be at the movies. Bye!" He stepped aside and motioned for you to come in.

You immediately walked in and said, "Thank you!" before dashing upstairs.

On the way upstairs, you noticed something. 'Wait... This will be my first time being in a boy's room...' You shrugged it off and continued your journey.

The music became louder as you approached the door that read, "[C/N]'s room! Only parents and close friends allowed!" You laughed at the silly sign. After reading the sign, you quietly creaked open the door, just enough for you to peer into.

. . .

You were a little surprised at how relaxed the [H/C] looked. You watched his fingers basically fly over the keys of the white grand piano, every so often he would stop. You assumed he would be frustrated if he messed up a key or two. You could tell that he played the same song, Nocturne in Eb Major, Op. 9, No. 2, over and over. The way he played the song with a few mistakes every now and then was actually quite beautiful. However, he suddenly stopped, holding his fingers down on the keys that he was about to play. Which was loud. Very loud.

You covered your ears and hissed. "Geez!"

You then heard [C/N] chuckle. In surprise, your eyes widened and you accidentally leaned on the door, causing it to swing open and make you fall onto the floor.

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