Loki | The Midguardian Maiden

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By TheFateWriter

The flowing, bubbling sound of waterfalls nears you as you place your feet on another step and your walking stick firmly in gravel. You pull yourself up the steepish-steps with a grunt and your (e/c) eyes meet the beautiful, clear, blue waterfall flowing down from a perfectly marbled cliff. You sigh. It was a like a fairytale.

You sit down with a thump and throw your backpack to the side. Reaching into your (f/c) backpack, you pull out a book and lean into the sturdy wooden bench, testing out the feel of your head on the wood. Lying back, you close your eyes and dream, laying your book on your chest for a little, promising yourself it would only be a little nap.

----------------3 hours later---------------

A chilly breeze wakes you up and slowly get up, grunting and rubbing you're still sleepy eyes. You look around you, remembering where you are, then look at the time.

"I'VE BEEN SLEEPING FOR 3 HOURS?!" You shout in surprise, sending a few birds to panic. Then you notice something. Your book isn't in sight. You look around, and when you walk toward the trail you came from, a hand grabbed your leg. You look down a scream, then you are dragged into the bush.

You pull your knees up to your chest and look around. A low voice from behind you calls out, and you whip your head around, startled.

"Thank you for letting me borrow this book, it was actually quite pleasant. Most Midgardian stuff is absolutely useless," Loki says.

"I didn't let you borrow it, you stole it from me." You say. "By the way, who are you?"

He sneers. "I am Loki, God of Mischief, and I am burdened with glorious purpose."

You look him over and notice the strange clothing he's wearing. Leather dyed green and black, along with golden armor plates. You look over to meet his green eyes, and having nothing to say, you comment, "You smell funny."


"Yeah, you smell like boiled eggs and lavender."

"Thank you?"

"You're welcome. Anyway, I'll be on my way now, and I'll take that, thank you," You say, snatching the Shakespearean novel out of his hands. Getting to a crouching position, you sort of crawl out of the bush, but not before Loki's grip fastens onto your ankle. You turn around.

"Yes, Loki?"

"I need your help."

"You are a god, and you need my help?"

He grimaced. "Well, yes."

You look around you, and noting that you have absolutely nothing to do, you nod your head. "Fine."


"For starters, you can't go around wearing that," You say, motioning at the strange garb Loki was wearing.

"Why not?" He says, pulling awkwardly at his clothes.

"You've found a liking to an Earth gal, am I right? " You ask, looking at him for confirmation.

Still uncomfortably pulling at his clothes, he nods, turning slightly red.

"Well for one, if you want to date a Midguardian maiden you're gonna have to start dressing like you belong here."

"I have to?"

"Although you look good, you look like you're toasting in there," you say, noticing how hot the weather had gotten, and in all reality, Loki was wearing layers of leather.

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