Steve Rogers | Born For You

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What I like to call "Trailer-Style"

By: MseriesJ / palmsandsunshine

I was stupid, I know. To let someone like him just... Leave.

"Of course not. You're taking all the stupid with you."

Steve turned back around, and raised an eyebrow.

"Really now? Using my own lines against me?"

You crossed your arms over your chest. "Yes. I am. And I have a reason to be, Mister 'High and Mighty'. I'm still your best friend, and if you think you're going to leave me here without you or Bucky, you better give me a big-darned hug before I whoop your ass."
He rolled his eyes, walking back towards you and pulling you into a hug.

"I'm still not used to me being taller than you when we hug," he whispered in your ear, making you giggle.

"Me neither."

"I... I'm sorry about Bucky being drafted."

"I miss him."

"I knew you liked him."

You took a step back and looked up into his eyes. "W-what?"

"I know you loved him. The way you fawned over his new haircut, or cried when he left, and didn't take you out on a date like he did with the other girls. Sometimes I wonder why he didn't when someone as beautiful as you was standing right in front of him-"

You cut him off with a soft kiss, standing on your tip-toes to reach him.

His hand tentatively wrapped around your waist, pulling you closer as your fingers played with the recently groomed hair at the back of his neck.

You pulled back slowly, falling back down onto your heels, and your eyes fluttered open.

"I didn't like him. He never dated me because he knew it was you I wanted."

"Even when I was weak?"

"It was your heart that lured me. Not your muscles or height."

"Awww. How sweet," he cooed playfully.

"Although I will admit that the muscles are an added bonus."

All I know is that we were made for each other.

"Steve!" You gasped into the microphone, barely making it inside the control room.

"(Y/N)? What are you doing there?"

"I couldn't let you die without me witnessing it," you joked, although you were starting to feel a deep ache in your heart.

You couldn't lose him. Not like you lost Bucky.

"Listen, I'm sure you heard about-"

"I know he's gone, Steve. But let's make this moment about you, okay."

"I have to put it in the water, (Y/N). If not, it's gonna go down in New York."

"Steve, you can't do this. Bucky already left me. I c-can't let you leave t-too."

You heard an audible sigh. "Sweetheart, don't cry. I'm sure you'll find someone better than me who can dance the foxtrot and sing you songs about love, and who's perf-"

"I don't want perfect. I want you."


"Steve, I would've left years ago if I though you weren't good enough for me. I would've given up the moment I saved your bony ass next to the dumpster."

Steve chuckled a bit. "Okay, fine. I'll take you out dancing. Eight o'clock-"

"Don't you dare be late," you sobbed.

"I promise, I won't. I still don't know how to dance."

"I-I'll teach you. Just be there."




"You'd better be there."

"Yeah. I promise. But I'd rather not step on your toes. Listen, (Y/N)... I lov-"

The radio cut off, and static replaced his voice.

Just like the absence of words, you felt a hole cut into your heart, and a strangled cry left your mouth.

He was gone, just like Bucky.

Tears flooded your vision, and your head fell to your hands.

Peggy wrapped an arm around your shoulders, rubbing them comfortingly. She looked towards a Captain America poster on the wall, saluting the image of Steve.

He had died a hero.

And now he's gone.

Years passed, and not a single man ever came close to the standards Steve set.

You eventually gave up, and worked to become a teacher, raising each kid as one of your own.

Years passed, and you still never married.

Years passed, and you grew older.

Years passed, and you finally saw him again.


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