Worth It

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Gabriella steps out of the black Infiniti and takes a deep breath. She turns her head to see that Troy was stepping out as well. He looks over the car and gives her a flirtatious smile, which she returns immediately. Her nerves were starting to settle in her stomach. It was the next day, and they had just arrived at a party. It would be the first time they would be showing up to the rest of the schools as a couple. She knew that West would probably freak out, since she was "destined" to be with Bradin. But how would East react? Would they be pissed off that their golden boy hooked up with the West queen? How would they feel about it?

She suddenly feels Troy's hand slip into hers as she looks back up at him. He was doing so much better today then even yesterday. He had complained about a faint headache, but that was it. Gabriella found it weird how he recovered so quickly, but then again she shouldn't have expected anything less. Troy was strong, and he'd be able to handle anything that was thrown at him. "You alright?" He whispers. Troy knew she was nervous for this, but they really hadn't talked about it much.

"I'm fine." She smiles back as they start to make their way to the house which had about twenty-five cars lined up already.

"Did I mention you look incredible?" He asks with a smirk on his face. She looks down at the v neck dress that she was wearing. It had a white, blue, and black all over floral design on it with an eyelet ruffle below the hem.  She was wearing low heels with it also. A blush floods on her cheek.

"Yea... but thanks anyways." She says and Troy smirks down at her again.

"You know... it's gonna look so much better when it's on the floor." He whispers huskily in her ear and Gabriella rolls her eyes. He had been bugging her all day about the bet they made yesterday and how he was itching to get inside her. But that was Troy for you.

"Horny much?" Gabriella says, happy that he lightened the mood a little, and hits his chest. They continue to walk up to the house. The door was opened and they just walk inside to see that there was a party already in full swing. People were sitting on couches in the family room or standing by the drink counter in the kitchen. Music was blaring through the house and Gabriella feels Troy's hand give her a small squeeze. They walk in further and it was like suddenly everyone's eyes turned on them and grew wide. Sure, it had gotten out that they were dating, but no one had seen them except the gang.

Gabriella suddenly feels slightly self conscious at the fact that everyone was staring at them, but Troy doesn't seem to notice. He starts leading her towards the kitchen where she had spotted Sharpay and Zeke were standing. "Hey guys." Troy greets them casually and Gabriella continues to feel holes being burned into her back.

"Wow... I don't think I've ever seen so many people stare." Sharpay exclaims and looks over Gabriella's shoulder. "FUCK OFF!" She yells and Gabriella feels herself blush even more. Troy and Zeke both laugh as everyone else immediately turns away, not wanting to be caught staring at them. "There... problem solved."

"Way to be vocal Shar." Troy says and drapes his arm around Gabriella's shoulder. "Are Chad and Tay here yet?"

Zeke shakes his head and picks up the red plastic cup that was sitting on the counter. "Nah. They're probably fucking in his car." Zeke explains and Gabriella giggles a little, knowing that he was probably right. Troy smirks and kisses Gabriella on the head.

"Want me to get you something?" He asks pointing to the large rows of alcohol sitting on the counter. Gabriella nods.

"Please." She says.

"What do you want?" He asks, drawing circles on her arms.

"Surprise me." She exclaims and he begins to walk over, leaving Gabriella with Zeke and Sharpay.

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