Falling Apart

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"How could you not tell me?" Taylor asks while folding the cream colored towel and setting it in the basket.

Gabriella sighs and folds her own towel. They were outside and Gabriella was on duty, but right now they were having an intense discussion about the events that happened last night. Taylor had huge bags under her eyes and Gabriella was sure that she probably had a really bad headache from all the alcohol last night. She sighs and continues to fold the towels. She had been able to avoid Troy all day, despite the fact that he rushed to her this morning, but she managed to get into the locker room before he could get anywhere. She was angry. No, more then angry. She was pissed off. Maybe it was the fact that she actually thought he'd try to prove to her that she was the only one for him. Maybe it was the fact that he had acted the exact way she knew he would. Whatever it was, it left Gabriella's nerves on end. "I'm sorry. I just wanted to keep it between us but then Chad walked in the other night."

Taylor sighs and rubs her forehead. "Just promise not to keep anything this huge from me again alright?" She says and Gabriella suddenly feels guilty not telling her best friend. She usually told her everything, but she didn't want Taylor to think she was a slut for fooling around with Troy. Whatever, it didn't matter anymore. She wanted nothing more to do with Troy Bolton, ever.

"I promise." She says and finishes folding the last towel and sighs.

Taylor looks up at her best friend and gives her a small smile. "Chad says he's really upset."

Gabriella's face suddenly turns hard and she shrugs. "Whatever, I don't give a shit." She says angrily. Her stomach had been in complete knots since she left the party last night and it wouldn't go away. Her face felt drained from all the tears that were spilt last night, but it didn't matter.

Taylor shakes her head and sighs. "Chad thinks he's going to go suicidal, it's that bad." She says and Gabriella rolls her eyes, doubting Troy would kill himself over something so stupid, since he didn't even care about her. "He didn't say a word after you left. For the whole ride home. It was scary really."

"You rode home with them?"

Her best friend nods her dark head. "Yea. I was too wasted and probably would have killed someone if I drove home. Chad dropped me off and then picked me up early this morning to go get my car from the beach house." She says and Gabriella nods. "You're going to have to talk to him eventually."

She shakes her head. "No I don't. Troy and I are just not meant to be friends. Or acquaintances or anything." She says painfully. She wanted to be with Troy still, but that couldn't happen. He shattered her heart last night. But she knew only he could put it back together.

"Whatever Brie." Taylor says as Gabriella lifts up the basket of towels and stands. She suddenly looks at the door to see a man in a white suit walking toward them. "Oh shit." Taylor says as Fulton makes his way toward the two girls and puts on a smile.

"Afternoon ladies." Fulton says and Gabriella realizes it was one thirty. "Miss. Montez, I was wondering if I could ask a favor of you."

Gabriella tries her best not to groan. That meant extra hours or something. "Err... sure Mr. Fulton..." She says skeptically.

"I have an important meeting with the owners..." That meant Sharpay and Ryan's parents. "This evening at 9 PM. I was wondering if you could close for me. I don't trust anyone else." He says and Taylor frowns beside her.

Gabriella sighs. It wasn't like she had anything better to do tonight, now that she wasn't on speaking terms with Troy. There was a party at someone from East High, but she wasn't in the mood to go. Especially if Troy was going to be there. "Sure Mr. Fulton. What do you need me to do?"

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