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It's around midnight and it's cold causing goosebumps to raise on my skin, just how I like it.It's fun living in Brooklyn. There are busy streets, tons of people and lots of jewelry for me to steal. It's one of New York's five boroughs and it's where I grew up. At the moment I'm at my thinking place, the Verrazano Bridge. It's always busy and there's always some noise which helps me think surprisingly. I stay perched on a ledge as cars zoom past me, grateful for the catlike reflexes I inherited from my mother. 

My parents are polar opposites. My mother was a villain and my father is and will always be a hero. Growing up I was always forced to pick a side and the darkness won me over and I became a villain. On my first big robbery my mother joined me and I put us both in danger and her life was taken to spare mine. She died saving my ass and I would never let that go in vain. I became a great criminal in her name and lived up to her legacy.

It's hard being me all the time. My parents were archenemies but they still managed to make it work surprisingly. I managed to stay out of trouble for most of my life until I met Graham. He introduced me to a darker side and got me in trouble with a few people. I know he loves me but some things are just more important to him.

He was the one who introduced me into this criminal life. We started stealing together and it became an art for me, it became my whole life. I don't know anything else besides being a thief and a villain. It has turned out well for me so far expect for that pest, The Thief.

He claims to be stealing criminals and bringing them to justice when all he does is ruin lives. He's the real villain here, putting innocent criminals behind bars. God, he gets on my nerves with his little perfect face, perfect muscles and-

"Calico!" He yelled interrupting from my thoughts.

I got up and turned around slowly. There he was, that smug little English boy I grew up with. We were friends but he decided that being a hero was more appealing. He's just so unbearable most of the times. He's just standing there staring at me as he wears his stupid hero gear.

"What do you want Thief?" I spat out as I glared at him.

"Come on, Calico. I'm just asking you to turn yourself in now before you dig yourself in deeper." He said and I laughed.

"You can't do anything about it Thief. You don't even have a weapon to stop me." I said smirking at him.

"I don't need a weapon. I'm quite good with my hands." He said and I smirked.

"That might come in handy one day." I said winking at him. My watch beeped telling me it was one in the morning. "I have to go now, Thief. Until next time."

I smiled at him before jumping off the bridge before he could touch me. I smirk as I plummet into the cold water and smile when I resurface. I am Regina Mills and you should all bow down to me. I'm a thief in the night and you'll never see me coming. Watch out, no one can stop Calico.


This is just a short Prologue and the chapters will be longer and won't be in Regina's point of view. This plot came from my good friend Evilregal_EvilC. She has a plot shop with cool plots. I was lucky enough to get this one and this book was born. I like the hero/villain plot. Leave your opinions below please.

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