Chapter Two

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Regina isn't just a villain she actually teaches a kindergarten class. She's always been fond of children and she was looking forward to sculpting the young and innocent minds into heartless villains. Her mother told her it was never too early to be evil. Being a bad person was fun but Regina could be nice when she wanted to.

Class just ended and Regina got her things and started walking out the building. Unfortunate for her she left something in her classroom and had to go back and get something. To make it even worse she bumped into someone and dropped her purse.

"Oh, look who it is." Killian said picking up Regina's purse.

"Leave me alone Killian." Regina said snatching her purse away from him.

"What are you going to do about it kitty?" Killian whispered as he pushed her against the wall.

"Okay, just leave her alone." Robin said walking up to them. "Move it along Pirate."

"Fine, I'm going." Killian said walking away with his hands up in surrender. 

Robin smirked as he saw Robin walk away. Regina rolled her eyes as she looked at him. It was typical for him to try to and save the day and charm the girl. However, Regina was far from charmed and just wanted to punch him in the face.

"I had that under control, Locksley." Regina said as she started walking away.

"Of course you did Calico." Robin taunted as he walked behind her.

"Are you following me now?" Regina asked as they walked into the classroom.

"I'm just making sure you aren't doing anything evil." Robin said as he closed the door.

"I'm in work mode so I'm not going to steal anything or try to kill you. Lucky for you because you're being a real pain in my ass." Regina said as she picked up a file from her desk.

Robin walked up to her and pushed her up against the wall. Regina's head hit the wall pretty hard which made her groan. Her papers were scattered all over the floor and she was royally pissed at Robin.

"This reminds me about our latest encounter. I just love being on top." Robin whispered with a wink.

"I really want to punch you in the face right now. You are just so damn annoying and I hate your guts!" Regina spat in his face.

Robin slowly pressed her against the wall and trapped her beneath his body. He chuckled softly when he heard Regina's breath hitch softly. He brought his hand up to cup her cheek as he moved his mouth ever so slowly towards her ear.

"You make me sick but you're a sexy woman." Robin whispered as he started to place kisses along her jaw.

Regina, for once in her life, was completely confused. There was this hot British man who's her nemesis and he was just kissing her. It wasn't a proper kiss but when he moved to her neck, softly biting on it, she let out a low moan. 

Robin chuckled as he placed kisses towards her lips. Her mouth was slightly open in anticipation of his sweet lips on hers not to mention the soft and low moans that were escaping her lips. Finally his lips graced hers and he slowly ran his tongue along her bottom lip before he pulled away suddenly.

"I have to go but if you forget the darkness you could have so much more." He told her before rushing out of the room.

Regina's hand touched her lips in hopes of keeping the feeling of his there forever. She didn't know what that was and what he was doing but she absolutely loved it and craved for so much more of it. She needed him but she had someone else. She could never be with a hero, after all she is a villain.

Regina let out a soft sigh before she bent down and picked up her papers. She grabbed her belongings and rushed out of the school. She had to get home before it was too late and before she would get in trouble.

Her heels quickly hit the streets of Brooklyn as she ran for her life. Poor pedestrians weren't a match for this brunette on a mission. She needed to get home in two minutes. When she got to her apartment she let out a deep breath as she opened the door.

"Graham, I'm home sweetie." Regina called out as she slowly walked into her apartment.

"I'm in the kitchen babe." Graham told her softly.

Regina smiled as she set her purse down and walked into the kitchen. Graham was already cooking dinner for the two of them which made her smile. She always loved this man and they were soulmates in her mind. She wrapped her arm around his shoulder and kissed his lips softly. He pushed her away and frowned.

"Why do you smell like-" Graham started as he smelled her hair. "-forest?"

"I don't know." Regina lied as she looked down at the tile floor, Robin heavy in her thoughts.

"Look at me." Graham said pulling her chin up so their eyes met. "I know you're lying to me. You must be cheating on me you slut."

"Graham, I would never! I love y-"

He slapped his hand across her face and Regina gasped. She looked up at him and held her stinging cheek. She knew not to retaliate when he was like this. She just had to take her punishment and be quiet.

"Regina, I know you love me. I love you too. It just makes me upset when you lie to me." Graham told her sternly. "Go in the bathroom and put some makeup over that. Dinner is almost ready and I need my pretty girlfriend." He added kissing her head which made Regina flinch.

"Okay, I'll be back." Regina said softly leaving the kitchen.

It was now the next day and Regina stayed in her classroom for her lunch break. She usually went out but she was feeling down today. Robin noticed she didn't leave her classroom so he came in to check on her.

"I noticed you weren't in the teacher's lounge today. What's up?" Robin asked as he walked in and sat across from her.

"Oh, I'm just not really hungry and I have some work to get done." Regina said quietly as she pushed her fork around her salad that she had no intention of eating today.

"Is everything okay? You're acting weird." Robin said as he grabbed her arm which made her wince. He pulled up her sleeve and gasped when he saw the purple bruise on her arm.

"I just bumped into a door the other day." Regina brushed off with a small laugh. "I keep telling myself I should be careful."

"Can you explain the one on your cheek?" Robin asked her as he spied the bruise on her cheek, the makeup barely covering it anymore.

"I just -uh I think I just bruise really easily." Regina said pushing down her sleeve and covering her cheek with her hand.

"If someone's hurting you I can help you." Robin said sadly as he looked at the small woman.

"No, I'm fine and I definitely don't need your help." Regina said standing up from her desk. "You know better than anyone when I say I can defend myself."

"Yeah, you sure can. I still have a few bruises from you myself." Robin said and Regina let out a fake laugh. "Are you sure nothing is happening?"

"Nothing is wrong and if something was it's none of your business. You're just looking for my weakness so you can destroy me. Now if you don't mind I have some work to do." Regina said as she pushed Robin out of her classroom.

She closed the door behind him and sighed as she leaned against it. She let out a relieved sigh when she got rid of him. That was too close for her liking. No one's ever noticed before so that must mean she did something wrong this time.

Regina strutted over to her desk and sat down. She threw her salad in the garbage before she retouched the concealer on her cheek. She took a deep breath before she did was she does best, plan her next heists.

In the back of her mind her brain was racing. She knew that she shouldn't love Graham and she shouldn't be with him. She was just afraid to be alone and be left with no one. Although all he did was abuse her he was all she had left and she needed him and she loved him. She always turned to evil her time of need. It was the only thing she had control over and she couldn't give that up.

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